Maximum Ride Vol. 1

Read this book in novel format forEVER ago! When I saw they had it in manga, I had to pick it up! Still a fun story and I loved revisiting it! On to the next volume!

Five out of five! I love a good manga adaption. I read this years ago when it came out, but re-checking this manga out was a great way to de-stress from life in general!!

اول مانجا او حتى كوميك اقراه بس الاحداث بطيئه هنا مش فاهمه حاجه في الاول بعد كدا بيبدا الاكشن وتبدا تسحب كل افكارك وخيالك ليها حلووه اووي ، جديده وسط مكتبتي وتحفه :)) شكراً لصاحبه المكتبه هي الي اقترحتها عليا بس نسيت تقولي انها اجزاء :')

#ayearathon Fantasy/SciFi Readathon

4.5 stars Wasn't too sure if I was in the mood for it, but was looking for something short and it's been a long time since I read the actual Maximum Ride series, but this was honestly better than I expected!

It was great! Beautiful and funny illustrations to guide the story an everything is displayed before you. Angel was adorable and all the characters seemed to fit somewhatedly into my mental image of them... That is except Fang. I HATED his super duper long hair! I can't wait till the part on the east coast where they all change their looks. Hopefully he'll have the short bad-ass hair I imagined him to have after that!

My first Manga/graphic novel and I really enjoyed it! It was like someone too the best snapshots of a book, drew pictures to expand the imagination and put it in one location for the world to enjoy. Will be enjoying more graphic novels!!!