Nash A Marked Men Novel

Quickie Review-May contain spoilers, fair warning upon reading this review
So Nash is a book that I have been curious about ever since we saw the ending of the previous book where we saw the drama that was unfurling between the hero's family and coming face to face with a woman who hates him and he doesn't know why. I was really intrigued to see the true connection between our main characters and why our heroine would hate the hero so much. Nash is a hero who is far from perfect. He was wild as a teenager and really clueless. From the flashbacks we see, he wasn't intentionally harmful, just like most young teenagers. But for our heroine, who had a crush on him, and he crushed her feelings for him even though he didn't know. So we have this setup of forced proximity as Nash's dad is dying, he has had some family reveals and he is trying to figure out what a relationship with Saint can be. I really enjoyed seeing these two coming together but they definitely have some issues that make sense and I had a fun time seeing these two figuring it all out and trying to find some balance in their relationship. Had a blast with it and I am so excited for Asa's book (because that one will be wild).

I like this one a little more than the others because it hits closer to home for me - emotionally and relating to the female character. But not enough to give it a 4/5. I'd like to finish reading the series but I do have a ton more books to read ><

3 1/2 stars, I loved Nash in all his glorious dragon form.

Besides Rule, this was my favorite book in the series so far. As we know, I’m a slut for a good enemies to lovers when one of them has secretly been in love with the other for forever and a day. While this book wasn’t necessarily as *spicey* as the others in the series, I absolutely LOVE the way Jay Crownover wrote about Saint’s apprehensiveness and anxieties when it came to fornication. The way that Saint and Nash were honest about that aspect of their relationship and Nash let Saint be the one calling the shots was something that I found to be important for her character development and put a smile on my face.

Saint est une infirmière passionnée par son métier. Malheureusement de mauvaises expériences passée avec les hommes la pousse a se renfermer. mais le soir de Thanksgiving les fantômes de son passée refont surface sou les trais séduisant mais dangereux de Nash Donovan. dans le même lycée durant leur adolescence Saint craque pour Nash. Mais celui ci ne semble pas la remarquer et se moque même d'elle avec ses amis. Pourtant des années après cette déception humiliante les deux êtres s'attirent comme les flammes attirent les papillons. Une lecture légère et soft sur le pardon, la confiance et l'amour de soi. L'écriture est légère et facile à lire, une plongée dans l'histoire il est également facile de ne pas en sortir. Il est également agréable de retrouver les personnages des tomes précédent. il véhicule un message positif sur l'amour de soi et la confiance en soi. 3,5/5 ✨

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . I have nothing but love for Jay Crownover's Marked Men and Nash, the latest book in this incredible series filled with deliciously complicated pierced and tatted men, is no exception. I don't like to play favorites, but if I did, Nash and Saint would have just stolen the title of my favorite couple in this series to date. "Nash Donovan was a beautiful, wicked, and hot flame that burned me when I got too close. He was just the first stop in a journey dotted by disappointment, but somewhere along the way I found my footing. My purpose. I just didn't know as soon as I did, Nash would manage to turn my world upside down all over again, and only a fool gets burned twice by the same fire." After reading other reviews on Goodreads, I was floored by the number of people who didn't like Saint. I'm going to say it and I'm not even sorry – I loved Saint. In fact, she's my favorite female in this series so far.. Why, you ask? Because she's relatable. I think the people who didn't like her just didn't "get her." I, on the other hand, connected with her more deeply than any of the other women because I too know what it's like to struggle with your weight just like Saint did. Now, thankfully, I don't have any deep, dark scars from high school, but I can understand how she would. People don't understand how deeply words can affect you and for just how long they can stick with you. I thought Saint's insecurity and unwillingness to respond to Nash's advances, while frustrating at times, was realistic. I could feel how torn she was between wanting to believe he was a different man – or maybe he never truly was the boy she thought – and protecting herself against further disappointment from a guy who hurt her deeply when she was younger. Now, maybe a lot of that was in her head or something she misunderstood, but it doesn't take that pain away. Oh, Nash, you poor, misunderstood guy. I heart you so hard. Jay's male characters are always far more complex than you would expect them to be based on their surface and Nash is probably the most difficult one of all. After reading the first chapter, I wanted to smack Nash for hurting Saint so much. Kids can be cruel and I thought he was being crueler than the rest. But, when we fast forward to present time and have a chance to get inside Nash's head, there's a good man there. "You undo me, Saint." Saint and Nash come face-to-face in the hospital where she works, as a result of Rome's injuries and again after his, ahem uncle's, illness. He might not have recognized her at first, but he's immediately attracted to her. Saint is a good person and she befriends Nash to make sure he has support as he's coming to terms with everything going on in his life right now. There's definitely a ton of chemistry between them, but she doesn't know how to handle the still-lingering attraction to him or the fact that he seems to be interested in her now. He doesn't have any idea what's holding her back from him. My heart ached for Nash with the truths he just learned and the reality of what lie ahead for him. I just wanted to give him a huge hug and reassure him that it would be all right, eventually. The romance between Saint and Nash was both sweet and sexy. These characters felt deeply for each other, but had been through so much crap in their lives that they were hopelessly lost. Things were better when they were together, but there was also a health amount of drama in this book. I didn't find any of it unnecessary though. Because I connected with the characters, I was able to understand where they were both coming from, even if I wanted to scream at them in frustration at times. The characters are far and away the best thing about this series. Each of them holds a special place in my heart and I love the close friendship they all share. They truly are more like a family than friends and it's apparent how deeply they love each other. This book brought us up-to-date on the goings on in Rule/Shaw, Jet/Ayden and Cora/Rome's lives. This series gives me serious chills with its sexy scenes, but it also gives me great big smiles and swoons with the sweet ones. Nash – the book AND the man – definitely did both. I can't wait for the next book in this series, both to get Rowdy and Salem's story, but to catch up again with my favorites and see where life has taken them since the end of this book. I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review. Quotes come from the review copy and differ in final version.