Lily Quench and the Magician's Pyramid

Lily Quench and the Magician's Pyramid

While they now know how to close off the Eyes in Time in order to stop Gordon and his army returning to the little town of Ashby, Lily and Queen Dragon have not been able to locate the existing Eyes. To find the Eyes, they have to track down the magicians who built them. When they arrive at the magical land which the magicians inhabit, they are captured and separated. Lily manages to escape from her cell and while she doesn't find Queen Dragon, she finds another dragon called Baba who has been locked up for many years and is very ill. Baba explains to Lily that the magicians have been drinking a potion concocted from her blood. The magical potion extends the magicians' lives but now that Baba is so ill, they are looking for a healthy dragon to replace her. With horror, Lily realises that dragon is her beloved friend, Queen Dragon. When Lily tries to find Queen Dragon they are both turned into mosaics in the ceiling of the magicians' banquet hall. In a desperate fight for survival, Lily and Queen Dragon must find the secret locations of the Eyes in Time before the magicians find them and imprison them for all time.
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