The National Accident Sampling System a status report
The National Transportation Safety Board reviewed the NASS program and prepared a report of findings titled, "Safety Effectiveness Evaluation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Accident Sampling System," NTSB Report No. NTSB-SEE-78-1, dated March 2, 1978. In this document the NTSB reported: 1. Nationally representative highway accident data are needed. 2. If attained, the publicly stated objectives of NASS will provide valuable information to the nation's highway safety program. 3. The NASS plan for the near future emphasizes motor vehicle crashworthiness and primarily supports NHTSA's mission. 4. The NASS program alone will provide limited capability for evaluating many countermeasures. 5. The implementation of NASS has proceeded beyond the level of planning. 6. Through improved planning and broader perspective NASS could become an important part of the national highway safety program