Neighbor Dearest
"After getting dumped, the last thing I needed was to move next door to someone who reminded me of my ex-boyfriend Elec. Damien was a hotter version of my ex. The neighbor I'd dubbed 'Angry Artist' also had two massive dogs that kept me up with their barking. He wanted nothing to do with me. Or so I thought until one night I heard laughter coming through an apparent hole in my bedroom wall"--Page 4 of cover.

Este libro me pareció un poco "meh" a comparación de otros de la autora, pero igual lo disfruté y creo que Penelope Ward se corona como la autora a la que recurro cuando quiero leer algo lindo, ligero y con un final feliz. y creo que con este libro finalmente pillé la formula de sus historias, y creo que soy fan de eso.

Navya @nico1195
Mature characters. Delt with their issue by communicating whoch most of the books lack.

Markie Gohman@mgohman

Jackeline Maleski@jackeline007

Prerana agrawal@prerana

Ranem radwan@raneemrad

Colleen Quinn @coldoll

Jennifer mitchell@jennmitchell16


Elissa Gleich@eagleich19

Nicole Goldstein@noonanikki

Nairne Denholm @nairnedenholm

Habiba Herisha@habiba_herisha98



Emilie Rasho@mimihakob


Elizabeth @withloveliz

Oliwia Golinska@livia21


Isabela Kawashima Sanches @isakawashima

Micol Scalabrino@micolreads

Anne van de Brug@annuuuhhh
