Letters from an Astrophysicist
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Join the galactic conversation on the biggest issues in the universe, from the 'most popular scientist in the world' 'Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all' - Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life to exploring and explaining the mysteries of the universe. Every year, he receives thousands of letters - from students to prisoners, scientists to priests. Some seek advice, others yearn for inspiration; some are full of despair, others burst with wonder. But they are all searching for understanding, meaning and truth. His replies are by turns wise, funny, and mind-blowing. In this, his most personal book by far, he covers everything from God to the history of science, from aliens to death. He bares his soul - his passions, his doubts, his hopes. The big theme is everywhere in these pages- what is our place in the universe? The result is an awe-inspiring read and an intimate portal into an incredible mind, which reveals the power of the universe to start conversations and inspire curiosity in all of us.

Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
Great perspective on science, education and religion from ans Astrophysicist.

I enjoyed this one so much! I found it equal parts amusing and inspiring, and got a lot out of it that I didn't expect to. The 9/11 chapter I found especially moving, and I'm not usually one to get emotional over the event. The letters he enclosed that he wrote to various individuals were always insightful, and I particularly liked the line he delivered about berevity about halfway in: "Personally, I try to spend twice as much time to make things half as long." I feel like that's applicable just about anywhere, as were many of the quotes I noted down in my reading journal for this book. Highly recommend. One of my new favorites.

Leandro Nishijima@leandronishijima

Colton Ray@coltonmray

Nenad Nikolic@nnikolic72

Zack Apira@vatthikorn


Kuba Milcarz@kubamilcarz

Patrick Hof@courts

Vik Gashi@vikgashi

Christopher Wheeler@woolgatherist

Amber C@amberleeetc


Christina Wells@christinaw

Parker McCullough@parkermcc