
Gutted Beautiful Horror Stories

This is Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories, an anthology of dark fiction that explores the beauty at the very heart of darkness.
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Photo of The Hissing Saint
The Hissing Saint@thehissingsaint
5 stars
Sep 12, 2022

Fabulous fabulous book! Stories that can make you cry, hurt, get under your skin, burrow deep inside and haunt you, bringing forth dark memories... Its all there

Photo of Riley

I picked this up for Neil Gaiman's The Problem of Susan, which was a succinct narrative reflection on, well, the Problem of Susan. I also ventured into the first two stories of the book, each from an author unfamiliar to me, and the style of horror I found there didn't inspire me to read on with the rest of the unfamiliar names. They weren't bad by any real measure, it is simply that horror as a genre is full of so many different kinds of "disturbing"/"unsettling"/"enthralling" and they (like most in the genre, in fact) didn't hit on the particular niche I enjoy.

Photo of Taous Merakchi
Taous Merakchi@jackxparker
3 stars
Sep 18, 2023
Photo of Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld
Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld@rosenfeld
2 stars
Aug 18, 2023