
The Hissing Saint@thehissingsaint
Fabulous fabulous book! Stories that can make you cry, hurt, get under your skin, burrow deep inside and haunt you, bringing forth dark memories... Its all there

I picked this up for Neil Gaiman's The Problem of Susan, which was a succinct narrative reflection on, well, the Problem of Susan. I also ventured into the first two stories of the book, each from an author unfamiliar to me, and the style of horror I found there didn't inspire me to read on with the rest of the unfamiliar names. They weren't bad by any real measure, it is simply that horror as a genre is full of so many different kinds of "disturbing"/"unsettling"/"enthralling" and they (like most in the genre, in fact) didn't hit on the particular niche I enjoy.

Taous Merakchi@jackxparker

Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld@rosenfeld