Rocky. The complete films. Ediz. inglese, francese e tedesca. Ediz. limitata

Rocky. The complete films. Ediz. inglese, francese e tedesca. Ediz. limitata

Rocky Balboa is the Philadelphian icon who took on the world and won. The original "Italian Stallion," the gutsy fighter who rose above the odds to boxing glory, and a rags-to-riches legend in the business of making movies. Ever since Sylvester Stallone unleashed his impassioned title character in 1976, the resilient fighter has earned his place in history as a symbol of tenacity and courage and a legend of cinematic success. The story of Rocky the movie is as exciting as that of its eponymous boxer. Shot on a tight budget, with the virtually unknown Stallone writing the script as well as taking on the lead role, it became a surprise overnight sensation, generating millions in box-office revenues, notching up three Oscar wins, and transforming Stallone into a global star as an actor, writer, and director. The Rocky phenomenon developed into a franchise of six films, including Rocky Balboa in 2006 and a further appearance in Creed (2015), for which Stallone was nominated for an Academy Award.
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