
rating: 2.5 one of those rare instances where the movie is wayyy better.


i genuinely have nothing positive to say about this book.

Al principio me estaba gustando muchísimo. Era una idea original, y bastante interesante, sin embargo durante el desarrollo me ha faltado mucho. Hay personajes de los que llegué a sospechar por el simple hecho de ser demasiado perfectos. Y otros que parecían no tener una personalidad definida y solo estar como relleno. Hubo muchas preguntas sin respuestas, y muchas historias que empezaron y no acabaron en nada. Sin embargo hay ciertas moralejas ocultas en la historia que pueden tomarse como punto positivo. Así como también hay que sumarle que es una lectura ágil y entretenida. Pero lamentablemente no estuvo a la altura de mis expectativas.

Koncept je genijalan. Medjutim izvodjenje zaostaje na polovini knjige. Da,svidela mi se,da preporucila bih,ali veliko finale nije impresionalno.

I broke the rules with this one and saw the movie before I read the book. In case anyone else is in the same boat, wondering if the read is worth it, I would say yes - largely because the two have basically nothing in common, apart from the names of the characters. The setting, the plot - everything is different, and it was just as entertaining and enjoyable. It's a quick read, too. I finished it in like two and a half hours.


Super quick read and entertaining. I think this would be qualified as a "beach read" because it's quick to finish.

An exhilarating game of dares. Who would want to play? Check out my review on my blog. I even compared it to the movie.

Se lleva las tres estrellas por el último capítulo, básicamente.

This book was partly fun to read, but the main character was annoying as hell. And the ending kind of confused me.

Nerve was a decent enough read I picked up before watching the movie adaption by the same name. The premise of a truth-or-dare for money and fame is pretty cool and kept me interested for a little while. It wasn't the best book I had ever read, but was good at easing into the thriller genre.

It's been so long since I've binge read a book into the night instead of sleeping and Nerve was a perfect book to do that with. TBH I think that's the best way to read this book in one sitting. It was very captivating and I just constantly wanted to know more. The reasons why I docked a star: 1. the characters weren't that well develped and some parts on their background could have been a little bit more explained to solve this problem just a little bit but make it less of a big deal and 2. the insta love is so real in this one. After 3 hours of "knowing" each other these characters claim to be in love. Like what? I think this book will do amazingly as a movie and I can't wait to actually see it (and I'm happy I can now I've read the book).

4.5* This book took off running and didn't stop until the very end! The action wasn't super action-y, which I liked, but it was fast enough that it kept me wondering what was going to happen, and had me reading through the night. This book could definitely be read in one-sitting, but too me far too long to read (because of work and life, and a horrendous reading slump). For more of my thoughts on this books, check out my blog review: https://modernwitchsbookshelf.wordpre...

This was good, really good but the ending left me confused... I really enjoyed this story and the characters, also I really enjoyed tje writing style. But the ending felt a bit rushed and I am dtill confused by the last few pages...Also how does the beginning of the book fit with the ending...As I said, confusing!

One of the only times I'll say this, but I liked the movie way better than I liked the book

Where to start... it took me a while to finish this one, even in audio book format. I picked this up because i saw the trailer for the movie and thought it looked like it'd be really good. I always want to read the books before watching the movie, so i picked it up. Overall, this book had so much potential based on the synopsis, but ultimately it just fell flat. I was expecting some crazy off the wall dares like you see in the movie trailer, but i was really let down. For the most part, the dares were completely stupid. (1)Pour water over your head in public....(2)get a guy to buy you coffee, close your eyes and sing a song (and for some reason she started crying??what??)...(3) as a group of christian virgins for some condoms.... (4) pretend to be a hooker.... seriously what's so daring about ANY of those? not a thing. I think the author intended for Vee's timidness to be "cute" or "endearing" but really she came across as a baby. i didn't find myself sympathizing with her at all. The romance between her and Ian wasn't believable and seemed like it was just thrown in there for the hell of it. And what's with her being grounded basically for life? the reasoning behind it? stupid. what kind of crappy parents does she have? Vee's friends are irritating as well. Even once they get into the final Live rounds of the dares, they aren't really DARES. I just really found myself having a hard time getting into it and i'm really disappointed that the book didn't live up to the potential. I really hope that the movie is better.

Es el único caso en el que puedo decir que la película es mejor que el libro

M-a ținut în suspans, s-a citit ușor și filmul nu a fost o copie exactă ca și cartea așa că povestea a fost, oarecum, nouă pentru mine.

Cuando me entere que Nerve, la película, estaba basada en un libro de inmediato quise leerlo, y aquí estoy terminé un libro que quería leer mucho Pero ¿que pasa cuando lees algo que quisiste leer por mucho tiempo y no es lo que esperabas? Sí, sé que nunca los libros y las películas son iguales, tienen sus leves parecidos pero NUNCA iguales Nerve es esa clase de libro que te deja queriendo, en cierto punto, MÁS mucho más pero es uno de esos libros que no leerás otra vez, ni si quiera la secuela te llamará tanto la atención por lo tedioso que se va convirtiendo el libro poco a poco 3/5

I'm going to be honest here and say that I don't typically make it a habit to watch the movie adaptation before reading the book but I did this time. I simply love Emma Roberts and Dave Franco that I needed to watch it... and then I found out that it was based on a book. If you have any interest in this book, DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE FIRST!! There's so many differences and it'll simply throw off your reading experience. I'm pretty sure I would have liked this book a lot more if I had read it before watching the movie. I don't typically prefer the move tie-in instead of the original covers of the books but I do particularly like this one. It's pleasing to the eye and looks wonderful on my bookshelf! Now, onto the book, I surprisingly devoured this in less than a day, I simply couldn't stop reading because it was written so well. It's essentially a book of dares where you get paid in money or items which the game accesses through your phone and computer. It's creepy that it can access your personal information but who cares if you get prizes out of the deal, right? Teenagers will simply do anything to get what they want. I did love the pairing of Vee and Ian (both in the book and the movie) so they made the book worth reading on their own. The ending was pretty messed up, and I was having a bit of a problem with picturing it in my head. I hated the betrayal that ended up taking place and the very beginning of the book still has me rather confused. I'm not completely sure as to what had happened there. Overall, it was a pretty good book, it has a fast-paced plot but there's not really any character development. At all.

Holy Crickets, guys. This book is seriously amazing. I don't even know what to say about it. You start off with your book-typical normal girl who is plain and blah blah blah blah... she has a best friend that is drop-dead gorgeous... she is in love with a really hot, popular guy... nerdy boy likes said normal, plain girl. Sounds typical, right? THE ANSWER IS NO WREN, THAT ISN'T RIGHT BECAUSE THAT ISN'T THIS BOOK. Jeepers. After a lot of anger is built up in Vee (the plain girl) she goes against gorgeous best friend and nerdy guy's wishes and she joins Nerve. What in the world is Nerve? It's a game. I would describe it as truth or dare minus the truth and plus a lot of cool prices if you succeed with the dare. These dares are things like (these are not in the book, by the way) wearing a fur coat at a animal rescue charity event while singing Cruella Deville or singing loudly in a library while throwing books and running around like a maniac. They don't start there. You have to apply first by doing dares that you can pick from. As Vee figures out, sometimes you can take the easiest dare and it can literally give you the fame you don't/do want. BUT what happens when they start including your personal life? How do they know the things they know about you? Who is telling them and who can you trust? What about that partner they give you for the live round? Are they a plant or are they in it for the cool prizes too? And how do they know what exactly will get you to finish a dare? Who even IS NERVE? This book is written at the aim of young adults/teens and it comes off that way; but unlike a lot of young adult books, it doesn't make you feel like a young adult wrote it. It is so entertaining, I can't even explain that to you. Vee is very relatable and you are questioning everything even more than she is. Seriously, you will find yourself laughing at some parts and not able to do anything else until you finish it. And that ending... ohhhh I wish there was a next one; but at the same time it is such a good ending to hate that... omgsh PLEASE read this book and tell me what you think because I need someone else to read this book and go to the movie with me and then have discussions on discussion about it because seriously I loved it and PLEASE READ THIS BOOK. You go Ryan! Write more things, please?

reading nerve was a cool experience. the scenes are really easy to visualize and i can make a movie in my head.

Predictable, and a little cheesy.

The calmness of dawn offers a daily promise that all things will shift back to normal.

We've learned an interesting rule about fame. Those who seem desperate for it are the people that others least want to see.