
before y'all inevitably attack me for rating a kotlc book four stars?!?!? i'm only doing that bc i like the songs. that is all. goodbye. fight me later.

Wow wow wow...I was not expecting so many twists and turns throughout this book. Man did this book deliver! Each book seriously gets better and better and I'm so anxious to find out what will happen next in the next book! If you haven't read these books, what's wrong with you? Go pick up these books! One of the best middle grade series out there!

In the fourth installment of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series by Shannon Messenger, Sophie and her friends are joining the Black Swan. Fitz, being one of two people who can enter her mind, gets the location of where Mr. Forkle wants them to go. The place was Italy. The Neverseen are up to something. Could it be the plague? What will happen? Find out in Keeper of the Lost Cities: Neverseen!


oh my god congrats on putting in 2 poc characters (siblings) that actually have some focus on them wow

I love this book!!!!!!!

I continue to love Sophie and her journey ☺️

When should I start worrying about obsessing over a series? Will I ever stop? This will most likely be more of an excited ramble of all of my thoughts; however, I'll try and contain myself! I honestly can't stop talking about this series; I recommend it to everyone because I love it so much! This story was just as incredible as the rest, which I honestly expected, and I don't think I could ever pick a favourite from the four books I've read so far because I love them all equally! I feel that in this book we got a lot more information about Sophie and the Black Swan and it was a lot of fun to read about and explore, I honestly feel like I want to be apart of the Black Swan and live in the gorgeous, magical places that Shannon has described for us, Although there is one, in particular, I lean toward most...I will not spoil it! The Neverseen and the ogres are really starting to get on my nerves, but they also make the story more fun and unexpected, so I want them to stay for a little while. As for Keefe, my heart has shattered into thousands of tiny pieces, and I'm not sure if they can be piece back together. I really hope we get a better insight into Keefe in book five because if I don't, I may not survive! (See'm dramatic but he's my favourite character, so it's fine!) I feel like Sophie and Keefe were bonding into a deeper relationship throughout this book, and it was beautiful. I'm still 100% team Keefe; however, I know that Sophie is going to go for Fitz. I don't hate Fitz, but I don't think he's right for Sophie, and I feel like he knows that deep down, but he doesn't want Keefe to have her so its a big love triangle that I love but hate. Honestly, my brain is a mess, and I want to read book five immediately!

This book was so amazing and I would give it 1 million/5 stars if I could. I adore this series so much and would binge it right now but I need to have self control. This book made me feel so many emotions: I felt sympathy for certain characters, especially Keefe, I was shocked, sad, and was angry at certain characters. It even made me laugh countless times( Keefe's doing). The last 100 pages had so many plot twists and things I would never expect. It is so fast paced and has to be my favorite series of all times. I highly recommend the series especially if you are in a reading slump!