The Devil's Diaries

The Devil's Diaries

In "The Devil's Diaries," Monty Python meets Bridget Jones with a little more fire and a lot more brimstone. In his own words, Satan muses on key dates throughout history--reveling in his role as the mastermind behind the Fall, rock 'n' roll, Y2K, and, of course, global warming. The Dark One grumbles at the way some of his best work has been hijacked and credited elsewhere, and confesses his frustration that many of his efforts go unappreciated. Even Satan falls in love, goes on vacation, suffers from depression, and deserves a little sympathy from time to time. The book is funny as . . . well, you know. In five sections reflecting the main epochs of his reign--with such titles as "Pride Comes Before the Fall" and "The Good Old Days (The Dark Ages)"--the Devil's revelations cover everything from the Fall to--er--Revelations. Through more than 150 pages of dazzling (and, of course, diabolical) words and illustrations, we can take devilish delight in these topics and many, many more:
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