
For those that know me, Supernatural has been that show that I've watched since grade school. It's become a part of my life that I probably will never forget. So, when I spotted this companions to Season 1 and 2 on my thrift store's shelf, I was happy to pick them up. Now, being a fan and growing up with the show, I knew a lot of what was in here. Still, there were bits of trivia I didn't know that made it an interesting read. If you want to buff up on Supernatural trivia, this would be a good one for you.

I found that this one was actually more informative than the first season's companion guide. Again, having followed the show for years upon years of my life, some of the information I had become aware of. The little tid bits that I caught are things I'm going to look for next time I watch the episodes.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 2 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures. This is a fun book to have, but I'm not sure it is worth the $125.00-$140.00 currently being charged by sellers on Amazon.com. Try to pick up a copy on eBay or in a used bookstore instead, and keep requesting it as an eBook--maybe publishers will eventually comply.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 1 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 3 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 4 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 5 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 6 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.

A good summary of all of the episodes of season 7 along with behind the scenes information and lots of pictures.