Nick Fisher, Nick Fisher Books
Why Do Dogs Sniff Your Balls?

Why Do Dogs Sniff Your Balls?

Re-written. Re-released. And Rather rude! He''s had one of his books bought as a wedding gift for Prince Harry. He received a letter from Prince William regarding his last book Everyone''s Got A Story To Tell. He''s arranged meetings for Hollywood actors to meet well known figures from the UK underworld. He''s written books for multi millionaires who like to give their money away in bizarre and unusual ways. And he donated a share of the profits from his bestselling book ''Hardmen Gangsters Jokers and Pranksters'' to the NHS in appreciation for their tireless work during the corona virus pandemic. And now Stockport author Nick Fisher is helping to raise awareness for prostate cancer with his latest book ''Why Do Dogs Sniff Your Balls.'' The way he puts it across may be coarse and crude but it certainly gets the thumbs up. And despite there being no chance whatsoever of Prostate Cancer UK using his ''new saying'' that he''s come up with that''s in the book as their advertising slogan it''ll certainly prompt men to go and have ''the finger up'' if they suspect something isn''t quite right with their prostate! And doubtless his saying, along with humorous stories about rectal examinations and the difficulties of trying to urinate whilst you''ve got an erection. And tales of being arrested by overzealous police officers (and their dog handler''s) and comparing similarities between ''man''s best friend'' and your ACTUAL best friend - one of which stinks the house out with rancid smelling farts, craps wherever it wants and try''s to perform fellatio on itself (a dog also does that!) will have men - and probably women too - in stitches laughing. And although the majority of people who read the book will see the funny side of it there''ll be one or two who definitely WON''T see the funny side; namely cyclists and bus drivers who no doubt will be irate after they''ve read the ''Things That People Find Irritating and Annoying'' section! So, can a dog really sense that you may have something seriously wrong with you by having a quick sniff of your knackers? And just why do pigeons leave it until the very last second before flying out of the way when you''re driving towards one in your car? Are they really on the verge of committing suicide and sit in the middle of the road hoping to get run over but then change their minds when they remember what fun it is to shit on people from a great height (and shit all over your car after you''ve just washed it) or is there a more logical explanation why they do it? And did you know that you can tell the sex of a horse by counting its teeth? Although as Nick points out it''s far easier to just look underneath it to see if there''s a massive cock swinging around! And did you know that a chemical is released into a bloke''s urine if he has prostate cancer and that a dog can detect if the chemical is present by its sense of smell? (Maybe THAT''S why a dog sniffs your balls!) So if you''re a bloke reading this the next time a dog walks up to you and starts sniffing around your nuts don''t clout it on its nose and tell it to sod off because it might be trying to tell you that you need to get down to the doctors a.s.a.p. and get your prostate checked! It''s funny, it''s factual, it''s thought provoking and it''s informative. And with Christmas just around the corner it may make an ideal stocking filler for someone you know - just make sure the person you''re giving it to has got a fairly broad sense of humour! It may also prompt more men to go and see their GP when they think something might be wrong instead of saying, "It''s nothing - it''ll be fine," and just ignoring it (like a lot of men do.) Most blokes will enjoy it. The book that is, not a finger up the arse! You probably won''t enjoy that as much as the book but it''s certainly worth having done if you think there may be a problem down there. Or rather, UP there! P.S. Male horses have forty teeth by the way - and a massive cock!
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