From Complexity to Life

From Complexity to Life On the Emergence of Life and Meaning

Annotation. Contributors1. Introduction: Towards an Emergentist Worldview, Paul DaviesPART I. DEFINING COMPLEXITY2. Randomness and Mathematical Proof, Gregory J. Chaitin3. How to Define Complexity in Physics, and Why, Charles H. BennettPART II. THE CONCEPT OF INFORMATION IN PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY4. The Emergence of Autonomous Agents, Stuart Kauffman5. Complexity and the Arrow of Time, Paul Davies6. Can Evolutionary Algorithms Generate Specified Complexity?, William A. Dembski7. The Second Law of Gravutucs and the Fourth Law of Thermodynamics, Ian Stewart8. Two Arros from a Mighty Bow, Werner R. LoewensteinPART III. PHILOSOPHICAL AND RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVES9. Emergence of Transcendence, Harold J. Morowitz10. Complexity, Emergence, and Divine Creativity, Arthur Peacocke11. From Anthropic Design to Self-Organized Complexity, Niels Henrik GregersenIndex.
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