Fortuna's Wheel

Fortuna's Wheel

Nigel Jackson2016
In Fortuna's Wheel, the talented esoteric artist and mage, Nigel Jackson has created 21 stunning new Major Arcana images that transport us along a visionary journey into the esoteric and divinatory meaning of the Tarot. Fortuna's Wheel provides an in-depth examination of the history, philosophy and occult significance of the Tarot with individual commentary on the meaning of each Major Arcana image as well as discussion of each Minor Arcana card. Erudite and esthetically sublime, Fortuna's Wheel is perfect for both the occult researcher and practical Tarot reader. A fascinating look at Tarot, with esoteric commentary and fabulous new Tarot images! A must for all esoteric researchers and Tarot practitioners by a master artist and mage!
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