Night Study


I found that I was very underwhelmed by Shadow Study and Night Study. I still love the world and the characters, and getting to spend more time with those characters was my favorite part of the book. I think I'm just getting a little bored with how Yelena and Valek keep getting into the same kind of situations they kept getting into in the first three books. I really didn't care for the villains in this book. I found them remarkably boring. I also found that all the POVs that weren't Yelena or Valek's were pretty boring. In some cases, you could have skipped one of those chapters entirely and not missed any story. Leif's were a little better than Janco's, but even then I dreaded reading them. However, Yelena and Valek made this book for me, and I ended up still loving it. I love how they grew, both individually and as a couple, in this book. I'm so excited for Dawn Study, not because I'm so concerned with the fate of their world, but because I'm so eager to see them together again in light of their new growth.

Review to come

I think it is safe to safe that I am out of my reading slump....I think! Every time i pick up a book by Maria V. Snyder I am never disappointed! Her writing is always entrancing and her characters always find a way to embed into my heart. Yelena and Valek are by far the best couple that I have ever read. Can I just say relationship goals. They aren't perfect; however, together they work in sync and keep that passion going throughout the entire book! Passion and Fire = happy Katerina. I am excited to see where Maria will go with the next installment in the trilogy because there are just so many things going on that need to be explained and I need to know what happens to Yelena and her current situation! God natt! XO

Holly snow cats! π± Non mi aspettavo niente di cosΓ¬ intenso da questo libro, ma hey mica mi lamento ;D. I POV multipli sono la cosa piΓΉ bella di questo libro, anche se a volte sembrano dei mini cliffhanger XD. Alla fine mi sono piaciuti tutti, nessun punto della trama Γ¨ risultato noioso, anche se le scene di battaglia tendevano a risolversi troppo facilmente. Okay che Valek Γ¨ una bestia, perΓ² dai non Γ¨ credibile.