
Alex Landau@daetura
I kind of knew going in that I was going to enjoy this. I love Nightwing so it takes a lot for me to not enjoy it.
The art was nice. The slightly rougher style worked really well for the story being told. I liked the balance of colors and darkness.
The story was good. I will say some of the jumps between "chapters" was a bit disjointed sometimes, but I loved the overall story. I liked seeing the circus again. But also Dick needs a vacation real bad and he isn't getting it anytime soon.

Jo A@thecupofjo

Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld@rosenfeld

Tylar M@queenserenity

Pooja Mahesh@pooja

Mark Anderson@markedasread


Lauren Stewart@laurenmicheleonline

emily allen@emilyroseallen

Jennifer Gregory@mightyjenn

Branden Harris@tatoes



Kelsey Nakano@bergamot

Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
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