Nikki Brown (Urban fiction writer)
What I've Been Missing

What I've Been Missing

Ariah Fuller has spent her entire life trying to gain her mother's love and respect by way of being who she thought Mariah Fuller wanted her to be. Mariah Fuller had her hands in every aspect of Ariah's life until Ariah realized it no longer worked for her. Her newfound revelation prompted Ariah to reevaluate the people in her life starting with her hand-picked fiancé James. While figuring out her next move, Ariah runs into the confident and persistent Tower Eno who shows her everything she's been missing. Tower Eno is the epitome of an alpha male. He says what he means and means what he says. After experiencing a tragedy of his own and being deceived by the one woman who is supposed to love him the most, his trust levels are at an all-time low. The only thing he's willing to offer the opposite sex is physical pleasure and a warning to not get too close. He was completely okay with not entertaining women outside of the bedroom until he meets the beautiful Ariah Fuller. The attraction and need to protect was almost instant, quickly solidifying thoughts to make her his. There is only one thing in his way, Ariah's pending nuptials.
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Photo of TJ
4 stars
May 9, 2022