Someone in Time

Someone in Time Tales of Time-Crossed Romance

Anthology of inclusive tales of people through time looking for one another and for ways for the world to be better. Love brought together or torn apart by time travel. This anthology is the latest collection of time-travel romance sci-fi short stories from prominent, award-winning sci-fi authors including Nina Allan, Carrie Vaughn, and Seanan McGuire. Follow timetravelers of all genders as they go backward and forward in time, sometimes to save the one they love, other times as a sacrifice, and others simply because it's their job. Some travel through memory, others through dreams, and others still through time machines to touch people who would otherwise be out of reach, and to join them together. Some of the stories are funny, some are sad and poignant, some are tales of fresh love and some of love forever lost, but they all are rather wonderful. Including stories by: Alix E. Harrow, Zen Cho, Seanan McGuire, Sarah Gailey, Jeffrey Ford, Nina Allan, Elizabeth Hand, Lavanya Lakshminarayan, Catherynne M. Valente, Sam J. Miller, Rowan Coleman, Margo Lanagan, Sameem Siddiqui, Theodora Goss, Carrie Vaughn, Ellen Klages
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Photo of Isabella
Isabella @iscbella
2 stars
Mar 13, 2024

nice collection. wasn't super into any story tho.

Photo of Shona Tiger
Shona Tiger@shonatiger
4 stars
Jan 19, 2023

This collection of mostly queer stories is a treat for fans of time travel. Sixteen stories take you across a huge span of time and many places, from Earth to Space. My favourite story was The Difference Between Love and Time, by Catherynne Valente, a mindboggling love story with the Space/Time Continuum as the beloved. I’ve never read anything quite like it. A close second was Romance: Historical by Rowan Coleman, set in a bookstore. I also enjoyed First Aid, by Seanan McGuire, a tale of time travel gone only slightly wrong, depending on your perspective. The Golden Hour by Jeffrey Ford turns the tables on the reader, and Timed Obsolescence by Sameem Siddiqui had possibly the best plot. Bergamot and Vetiver, by Lavanya Lakshminarayan, is a beautiful and evocative story. Read particularly if you’re into queer love, as this anthology is heavy on that theme, but also read because this is a very good and very entertaining SF collection. Rated: 8/10 Thank you to Rebellion Publishing and to NetGalley for this eARC.