No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference

I read more than half of the speeches on here and i would say that they are similar to each other, not just the details that Thunberg repeats on her speeches but her rhetoric and outcry for the push for action that I find repetitive. I commend Thunberg for her job on trying to convince the world that the environmental and ecological crisis is THE biggest problem out there and yet, the world doesn't have the urge to make a move, whether it's because we don't know what to do, as a citizen, or because we feel powerless against the government that they have the power to pursue the laws and policies to make a change. It's so interesting that even though reading the "same thing" made the book a bit redundant, I have came to the realization that the fact that a year has passed between the first and last speech and how congruent Thunberg's message is shows that we STILL have to make a move. The government doesn't listen so we should have the power to do it if they don't want to listen.

This book hits me with immense realization that the world is going to be in an irreversible chain reaction soon. And the generations following, Zs, and afters, with not even a tiny speck of hope to be able to change if things are still the way they are, will face the consequence of irrational and selfish behaviors of human beings particularly politicians and governments. To blame the whole general idea would be to blame capitalism for this to happen. The world is ending. If teens out there even need to march and spread awareness of what's happening, then it's tad obvious that something is wrong with the system. The fact that many people out there hating on Greta for being a asperger teen who should be studying instead on marching shows how scared they are to solve and provide the solution of climate change, which is to eradicate capitalism and start on listening to the scientists. Indeed, excessive complains won't do anything, merely spreading hate. I believe that right now, people are starting to move forward and change, even if it was a miniscule action, if one person did it, then the impact of another 7 billion person will be immensely conspicuous. I hope people can start to spread more awareness and if one has the power to do so, I hope some actions about this alarming matter will be conducted, and should be.

No rating, important topic. A collection of speeches, powerful.

As it is a collection of her speeches, some of the content it repeated. However, it is a quick and easy but informative and inspiring read.

" Because the climate and the biosphere don't care about our politics and our empty words for a single second." Really short and powerful essay, thank you for the kind of reminder that our earth need help to stay much longer and how as home sapiens we change our climate more worse and worse every year.

Must read, must act Slightly repetitive but with all the food things all of us need to hear anyway. Must read, must act. Thank you Greta!

the content is eye-opening. greta's rhetoric is deeply effective and led me to contemplate my impact on climate (and thus, led me to make real changes). you really feel to power and passion behind her words. she is truly and inspiration.

Must read, must act Slightly repetitive but with all the food things all of us need to hear anyway. Must read, must act. Thank you Greta!

“Adults keep saying: “ We owe it to the young people to give them hope.” But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”

It was a bit repetitive but I loved this!

Everyone should read this, takes just an hour. Since this is a collection of speeches, it gets repetitive.

Definitely worth it.

Very passionate and inspiring, but one speech is enough to gather her talking points. It’s pretty repetitive, hence the three stars.

Being young & not knowing a lot about climate change (besides the fact that it is important to address), I am insanely glad I read this book. Not only did Greta’s speeches convey a necessary sense of urgency to the current climate crisis but they also explained some of the logistics and hardcore numbers behind the science of climate change. A very straight forward & eye opening book that everyone should read.

2,5✨ There are no grey areas when it comes to survival. Now we all have a choice. I'm not her fan and I can't say that for now I like this girl or anything, but this book was a nice reading. I think she has some good reasons to be an advocate for the climate crisis and she doesn't deserve all the hate she got. It was interesting to read her essays. And that's it. They were relaxing, in some ways. I listened to her last essay while I was reading it. I think this girl says some things with a powerful voice and she really cares about the environment. "Our civilization is so fragile it is almost like a castle built in the sand. The façade is so beautiful, but the foundations are far from solid." And now why I didn't like her book. 1. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. I understand that she is angry, but it's not okay that she, a teenager, chose to say that adults aren't mature enough to understand what's happening. They understand, but they don't care. That's something else. When you attack people's intelligence and experience, be sure that you won't deliver the message that you want to. 2. Last summer, climate scientist Johan Rockström and some other people wrote... When you want to write facts and to have credibility, you can't start your speech with "some other people". You have to mention them (or more of them). It doesn't seem "official" to say so. She wants to be taken serious, so she needs to write in a seriously and genuine way (and that's important when you write nonfiction). 3. Many things were repeated throughout the book. I got bored sometimes because I was reading the same things again and again. She was saying the same sentences in a lot of her speeches. If she had something new to say everytime, I think I would have liked this book more. Anyway, it's a good book in a way. I got over my presumptions and I started to read her work. A lot of people could do so. She's a teenager, at least she has a voice.

This collection of Greta Thunberg’s speeches was easy to read and consistently clear in the message that was portrayed. Her speeches were backed up with undeniable facts and her message was constant and loud. I applaud Greta Thunberg for her activism and commend her for her bravery because as she says consistently throughout her speeches, someone has to stand up for this issue and make this crisis known. I believe this is an important issue and would recommend that everyone read it. It was a very quick read for me, but if you are short on time—read any one of her speeches and you will get the message.