The Power of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale's philosophy of positive thinking has had an unprecedented influence on millions of people throughout the world. This book will show you how you can deal more effectively with tough situations and difficult people, and dramatically improve your performance and confidence. It contains the wisdom of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's best-selling original and Peale's sage advice about developing the mental acumen to surmount obstacles and maintain a positive outlook. He provides people with the positive approach needed to achieve the major goals in life, showing them how to maximize their talent and energies, to give them confidence when they need it most.
Sadman Sakib@sakib
kanchan singh@kanchan89
kanchan singh@kanchan89
Henry Stromberg@hstromberg
Jeffrey Jose@jeffjose
Matthew Royal@masyukun
Addy C@acast
Rohini Anandamurugan@rohini-anandamurugan
Tayler Wright@taylerwright
Dylan Garrett@dygar
Kwadwo Adu@kwadwo
CH Schoen@chschoen
Nada Ghanim@nadaghanim
Fellowes Cynthia@cynstarlight
Tawnya Christensen@tlchris
Jason Sher@jsher