Norwegian Wood

Norwegian Wood

When he hears her favourite Beatles song, Toru Watanabe recalls his first love Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend Kizuki. Immediately he is transported back almost twenty years to his student days in Tokyo, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, casual sex, passion, loss and desire - to a time when an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and he has to choose between the future and the past.
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Photo of hajra

Excessive sex is forefront in Murakami’s novels;

my understanding of his writing is sex isn’t obscene or to sensationalize, rather it is one way to try out deep intimacy between his characters (with vaginal penetration being most powerful and substantial);

Another way deep intimacy manifests in his stories, but as more a build-up than a release: listening to jazz records with somebody in the privacy of a closed room.

At the end of the day, although innately gendered, I think men and women are equal in his stories (they get objectified and objectify, they get sexualized and sexualize, they are ill-fated and are forced into roles and responsibilities that bring them anguish all the same) and why I don’t agree with that statement at all

but idk I’ve only read 2 murakmais so far

Photo of teia
1.5 stars
Feb 18, 2025

the depiction of grief in different perspective was heartfelt however the random sex and the way women are perceived in the book bothers me so much.

Photo of Luoyi
3 stars
Jan 11, 2025

i kinda get it but at the same time i don’t really. finished this on the plane and wasn’t really loving it until the ending made it better. still not sure how i feel about watanabe tho

Photo of elizabeth ❀
elizabeth ❀@sunristae
3 stars
Dec 20, 2024

I don’t know if this was the best book to start with murakami’s work but I do enjoy his writing style. His detailed writing is what builds the atmosphere and I think that is what carried the overall tone in this book. The underlying theme regarding sexuality and intimacy was too much for me but I can appreciate how he works through other topics like grief, mental health and living for yourself.

Photo of Jovana Gjekanovikj
Jovana Gjekanovikj @jovana
1 star
Oct 18, 2024

😵‍💫Fixated on unimportant details and descriptions.

💤Pointless, endless conversations and storylines.

🤢The amount of times I said ew or what the fuck was incredibly high.

Photo of Fatima
2.5 stars
Oct 9, 2024

Ich weiß nicht wie ich anfangen soll… es ist mein erstes murakami Buch und habe aufjedenfall mehr erwartet.

In diesem Buch geht es um zwei Sachen: s*x und tot. Es gibt überall verborgene Bedeutungen. Aber wenn man das wegschneidet und zum Kern geht, ist das nur noch übrig.

Es ist aber auch ein starkes buch. Es erzählt keine besondere Geschichte. sondern untersucht den menschlichen Geist und die Geschichten, die in der normalen Vergangenheit von gewöhnlichen Menschen um uns herum versteckt sind.

Am Ende weiß ich nicht, was ich zu diesem Buch sagen soll. Ich mochte es manchmal und habe es manchmal gehasst. Wenn dieses Buch Murakamis Werke repräsentieren würde, würde ich nie ein anderes von ihm lesen. Aber ja ich weiß dass es nicht so ist!

Bin ich froh, dass ich dieses Buch gelesen habe? Würde ich es empfehlen? Die Antwort, die mir für beide Fragen in den Sinn kommt, ist nein. Es kann sehr deprimierend sein und hat mich emotional belastet. Und nachdem ich fertig war, hatte ich nicht das Gefühl, dass dies ein Buch war, das man unbedingt lesen muss. Es war nicht besonders gut, und es sendete keine wichtige Botschaft. Aber aus irgendeinem unerklärlichen Grund war es immer noch lesenswert. In gewisser Weise.

Photo of Ayushee
3.5 stars
Sep 3, 2024

The thing he wanted to convey tried to like to make an impact of maybe overshadowed by “going with the flow” character of Watanabe. for sure it's a vigorous episode in the fiction that will make you cry and soothe the broken in you as well.

Photo of Maureen
4 stars
Jul 27, 2024

If I could describe Norwegian Wood in one word: liberated. Definitely not like the usual books I’ve read, but you can’t remain in your comfort zone forever, right? I think it applies to books as well. I had to look past a lot of things in order to appreciate the book in all its splendor. One thing I really loved was how introspective the protagonist, Toru was. The way he describes his surroundings and feelings is extremely vivid. If you were to lift his words from the story and situate it in this world we live in, it would not make sense. One might think, “nobody actually talks like that.” However, the world Murakami creates is a special one, and so, you must be willing to suspend disbelief to fully immerse yourself in his work. I can’t speak much since this is my first time reading Murakami, but it’s what everyone else is saying. I really am looking forward to reading more.

Photo of BC Hark
BC Hark@vaporvisions
2.5 stars
Jul 26, 2024

A Japanese Catcher in the Rye. Toru Watanabe is a character that could match Holden in many ways. The story is catching, but ends up being a little bit dry by the end. You want to get through it as fast as possible. Still great and interesting writing from Murukami as always. His stories always can make you feel like you tasted, smelled, and saw a little of Japan from afar.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Katerina
3 stars
Jul 24, 2024

** spoiler alert ** I found Murakami’s writing intriguing and full of depth. But... this book is not worth more than 3 stars. “Norwegian Wood” is about a Japanese boy, Toru Watanabe, who slowly steps into adulthood, which carries all the pain and frustration it always does. He is torn between future and past, and clumsily makes his way through life. One of the things I found interesting in “Norwegian Wood” was the character’s thoughts on death. They were naive at first and then slowly - more and more real, down to earth even. He comes to terms with what death is. He accepts it. One particular quote stayed with me: “I tried hard to forget, but there remained inside me a vague knot of air. And as time went by, the knot began to take on a clear and simple form, a form that I am able to put into words, like this: Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life.” Murakami writes about life (and its inevitable death) in a deep and beautiful way. I do think this is what I found most fascinating. As well as my love for the Japanese culture. “Norwegian Wood” takes you to Japan in the 60s - through its small and big cities, the mountains, the politics even, and Tokyo’s different faces each season of the year. You get to experience everything Japan was before, and still is to this day. But the plot was not necessarily my thing. I have heard a lot about Murakami’s style and his deep take on life but “Norwegian Wood” wasn’t what I expected. It even disappointed me a little. There were too many empty scenes and heavy thoughts that don’t always suit a young boy such as Toru Watanabe. And last... after trying to find a deeper meaning in the ending and having to think about it a few days after I closed the book, I can say that I was not fascinated by it. I do understand why everything happened the way it did and why it was necessary for all events to take place. I do understand why certain things in life need to happen in order to let go of the past, but this doesn’t make me neither love nor accept the way “Norwegian Wood” ended. Perhaps the third star this book receives goes to The Beatles and one of their best songs. Naoko was a sentimental one, after all, and her taste in music didn’t disappoint all the sentimental souls out there. (I would love to read more of Murakami, but I do hope I stumble upon something better in the future.)

Photo of Ada
4 stars
Jul 16, 2024

I was amazed at how Murakami gave the sense of atmosphere and mood impeccably. There were some quotes in the book that made me take a second and say dude Woah. I will be reading more books by him in the future definitely. :D

Photo of Andrea Morales
Andrea Morales@matchandrea
5 stars
Jun 28, 2024

4.5 ☆’s “desde el principio estuvimos unidos en la frontera entre la vida y la muerte.” “hasta ahora había deseado permanecer eternamente en los diecisiete o dieciocho años. pero ya no lo pretendo. […] he cumplido veinte años. y debo pagar un precio por seguir viviendo.” hay dos tipos de personas: los que se aferran a la vida y los que se entregan a la muerte. and this book showed both sides perfectly. update: 5 stars esta madre me dejó mal

Photo of Noha Zainal
Noha Zainal@nohazainal
3 stars
Jun 22, 2024

Beautiful but the ending throw me off

Photo of armoni mayes
armoni mayes@armonim1
1 star
Jun 17, 2024

i’m so glad to be done with this godforsaken book if i had to read one more mechanical ill placed sex scene i was going to gouge my eyes out

Photo of Chourouk
4 stars
Jun 8, 2024

It felt surreal to read this with the events that were happening in my life. It helped me face my fears in the most poetic way.

Photo of
1 star
May 22, 2024

I am sorry I am not the target audience for male characters that think women are a hollow form with a pair of tits

Photo of kayla
3.5 stars
May 13, 2024

I re-read this book after a long long time and finally i understand......... no, its just desprate episode

Photo of Marz
Marz @starzreads
2.5 stars
Apr 26, 2024

I'm unsure honestly what to say. While I enjoyed the writing in the beginning and annotated quite a few quotes there was just so many weird and uncomfortable points in this book.  Firstly unrelated to content this book was a DRAG to read, despite not being that long it felt like it took ages to complete it. The pacing is incredibly slow and it felt like it was just a guy living his mediocre life, just doing things for quite a bit of this book.  Secondly it's hard for me to ignore the weird pedophilic side story that occurs to Reiko. It honestly unsettled me so much that afterwards the whole book felt a little tainted for me.  Thirdly I just did not like the way any of the characters were written, especially the women. Toru is just some guy, with no particular interests or aspirations. Midori is some weird manic pixie dream girl type. I will say though that my experience was not completely negative. I enjoyed the discussion of death and grief, of relationships in early adulthood and growing pains. I really liked Midori's character in the earlier part of the book when she spoke about being a caretaker to her ill father and the snobbyness in how working class people are treated when asking practically about revolution. I wish there was better characterisation and just less weird sex would have made this book way better to me.

Photo of Jenny Qian
Jenny Qian@jenqian
2 stars
Apr 16, 2024

the portrayal of women in this book makes makes me sad.

Photo of ki
3.5 stars
Apr 13, 2024

took me a very long time to finish this book. the writing is captivating, but sometimes i was just like D:

Photo of Antonio Bolio
Antonio Bolio@conbdebolio
3 stars
Apr 2, 2024

Varias personas me recomendaron este libro. Decidí leerlo antes que las primeras obras de Murakami por esa razón, pero creo que fue un error; no me dejó nada particular la historia. El personaje principal está rodeado de amistades que se suicidan, que a su vez tienen vidas rodeadas de muerte. Ok, la muerte es parte de la vida, pero sentí que estuvo a punto de ser ridículo. Storm Trooper-lieber.

Photo of Rodrigo Figueiredo Severino
Rodrigo Figueiredo Severino@rodrigueseve
3 stars
Mar 30, 2024

Emotional romance novel about moving on and letting go and accepting life as it comes. It started off a little boring but definitely started picking up trough a cast of very endearing yet tragic characters. The ending was confusing, but hopeful, happy in a sad way. I enjoyed this very nuanced read.

Photo of Nabila Azahra
Nabila Azahra@nabilazhhr
4 stars
Mar 24, 2024

4.5 stars! Just something about the way Murakami built the story.. it really was breathtaking

Photo of muskaan bal
muskaan bal@muskaankb
1 star
Mar 24, 2024

Here's a challenge for Haruki Murakami: Don't be a misogynist for twenty seconds. I think the grotesque way he views women is overlooked simply because of his literary standing.


Photo of elizabeth ❀
elizabeth ❀@sunristae

"Somewhere between 'not enough' and 'not at all.’ I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it—to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once.”

Photo of elizabeth ❀
elizabeth ❀@sunristae

"You're not telling me anything I don't know already. Relax your body, and the rest of you will lighten up. What's the point of saying that to me? If I relaxed my body now, I'd fall apart. I’ve always lived like this, and it's the only way I know how to go on living. lf I relaxed for a second, I'd never find my way back. I'd go to pieces, and the pieces would be blown away. Why can't you see that? How can you talk about watching over me if you can't see that?"

my heart was just ripped out of my chest for the entire world to see.

Photo of elizabeth ❀
elizabeth ❀@sunristae

To think. To understand. It just happens to be the way I'm made. I have to write things down to feel I fully comprehend them.

just a girl and her journal against the world.

Photo of Selena Yang
Selena Yang@selenayang

"So why are you trying to join the Foreign Ministry?" "All kinds of reasons," said Nagasawa. "I like the idea of working overseas, for one. But mainly I want to test my abilities. If I'm going to test myself, I want to do it in the biggest field there is - the nation. I want to see how high I can climb, how much power I can exercise in this insanely huge bureaucratic system. Know what I mean?" ”

This quote/character summarizes the opposite of the main character Wantanabe’s nature. Although both independent minded, they go on opposite currents. Nagasawa goes against the current of what his environment draws him towards while Wantanabe goes with the current.

Photo of Robin Collin
Robin Collin@Robin

Recommendation of Nora, Groningen. Her favorite book.

Photo of SF. Sutcliffe
SF. Sutcliffe @sfs

Deeply moving story of love and loss between friends and lovers. Brilliant.

Photo of Ayushee

Norwegian Wood 7/10

  • - this novel has told me and reminded me of how life goes on and never should stop.

  • - you are the main character of your life and nobody else is.

  • - I have known of my boundaries and sm morality of reality.

  • - I have experienced a different love here which lives far away yet stuck with you everywhere you go.

  • It will heal something inside you, idk what but it does.

I love you “enough to melt all the tigers in the world to butter” -watanabe

Photo of moira

Death exists—in a paperweight, in four red and white balls on a billiard table—and we go on living and breathing it into our lungs like fine dust.

Photo of moira

Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life.


Photo of Laura

If you only read books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.

Page 39
Photo of Laura

"I can never say what I want to say," continued Naoko. "It's been like this for a while now. I try to say something , but all I get are the wrong words - the wrong words or the exact opposite words from what I mean. I try to correct myself, and that only makes it worse. I lose track of what I was going to say to begin with. It's like I'm split in two and playing tag with myself. One half is chasing the other half around this big, fat post. The other me has the right words, but this me can't catch her."

Page 25

how these past few months felt like.

Photo of Laura

It just happens to be the way I'm made. I have to write things down to feel I fully comprehend them.

Page 4


Photo of Emily

another short story by mr ding

Photo of grace

She followed "Norwegian Wood" with a few bossa novas while I kept my eyes on Naoko. As she had said in her letter, she looked healthier than before, suntanned, her body firmed up from exercise and outdoor work. Her eyes were the same deep, clear pools they had always been, and her small lips still trembled shyly, but overall her beauty had begun to change to that of a mature woman. Almost gone now was the sharp edge - the chilling sharpness of a thin blade - that could be glimpsed in the shadows of her beauty, in the place of which there hovered now a uniquely soothing, quiet calm. I felt moved by this new, gentle beauty of hers, and amazed to think that a woman could change so much in the course of half a year. I felt as drawn to her as ever, perhaps more than before, but the thought of what she had lost in the meantime also gave me cause for regret. Never again would she have that self-centered beauty that seems to take its own, independent course in adolescent girls and no one else.

Photo of grace

"You know, when we were shooting pool before, something popped into my mind," I said. "I was an only child, but the whole time I was growing up I never once felt deprived or wished I had brothers or sisters. I was satisfied being alone. But all of a sudden, shooting pool with you, I had this feeling like I wished I had had an elder sister like you - really chic and a knockout in a midnight blue dress and golden earrings and great with a pool cue."

Hatsumi flashed me a happy smile. "That's got to be the nicest thing anybody's said to me in the past year," she said. "Really."

"All I want for you," I said, blushing, "is for you to be happy. It's crazy, though. You seem like someone who could be happy with just about anybody, so how did you end up with Nagasawa, of all people?"

Photo of grace

"You're walking through a field all by yourself one day in spring, and this sweet little bear cub with velvet fur and shiny little eyes comes walking along. And he says to you, 'Hi, there, little lady. Want to tumble with me?' So you and the bear cub spend the whole day in each other's arms, tumbling down this clover-covered hill. Nice, huh?"

"Yeah. Really nice."

"That's how much I like you."

Photo of grace

But don't get me wrong. I'm not totally mad at you. I'm just sad. You were so nice to me when I was having my problems, but now that you're having yours, it seems there's not a thing I can do for you. You're all locked up in that little world of yours, and when I try knocking on the door, you just sort of look up for a second and go right back inside.

Photo of akshita

Her milk was on the house if she would play the Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun", said the girl. Reiko gave her a thumbs up and launched into the song. Hers was not a full voice and too much smoking had given it a husky edge, but it was lovely, with real presence. I almost felt as if the sun really was coming up again as I sat there listening and drinking beer and looking at the mountains. It was a soft, warm feeling.

Page 184
Photo of Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones@emileyjones

No truth can cure the sadness we feel from losing a loved one. No truth, no sincerity, no strength, no kindness can cure that sorrow. All we can do is see that sadness through to the end and learn something from it. But what we learn will be no help in facing the next sadness that comes to us without warning. 

Photo of Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones@emileyjones

If you’re in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark. 

Photo of Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones@emileyjones

Thinking back on the year 1969, all that comes to mind for me is a swamp. A deep, sticky bog that feels as if it’s going to suck off my shoe each time I take a step. I walk through the mud exhausted. In front of me, behind me, I can see nothing but the endless darkness of a swamp. Time itself slogged along in rhythm with my faltering steps. The people around me had gone on ahead long before, while my time and I hung back, struggling through the mud.

Photo of Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones@emileyjones

I have a lot more patience for others than I have for myself, and I’m much better at bringing out the best in others than in myself. That’s just the kind of person I am. I’m the scratchy stuff on the side of the matchbox. But that’s fine with me, I don’t mind at all. Better to be a first class matchbox than a second class match.

Photo of Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones@emileyjones

The sad truth is that what I could recall in five seconds all too soon needed ten, then thirty, then a full minute. Like shadows lengthening at dusk.

Photo of john

I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?
