November 9 A Novel

This was an intense reading experience; I was expecting this book to take a few days to read not 2 days. I got hooked on Day 1 and then Day 2 stayed up later then I was expecting as I just could not put this down, I needed to know how the story was going to play out and only then could I put the book down! This was one intense reading experience for sure.
Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their undeniable attraction leads to them spending her last hours in LA together. Not wanting to be tied down but taken with Ben, Fallon proposes a deal - they agree to meet once a year without contact in between as inspiration for Ben's novel.
I really loved the concept of only meeting on November 9th. You would maybe expect to see more between the dates, but it was structured in a way that meant you only really learned as much as our main two characters did on that day each year.
That is all I’m going to say because SPOILERS! Some of the topics covered in this one are a little heavy so if you need Trigger warnings – Please seak them out.

Jest to chyba moja jedna z pierwszych książek z tego gatunku. Nie sądziłam, że spodoba mi się ona aż tak bardzo. Odbiega od standardowych romansideł, które ciężko mi się czyta.Bohaterowie może nie są jakos bardzo dobrze przedstawieni, ale moim zdaniem nie ujmuje to jakości tej książce.Tak więc gorąco ją polecam i zasługuje ona na mocne 5 gwiazdek.

** spoiler alert ** can’t give it 3.5 stars so let’s say 4. it wasn’t bad BAD it was just huh ? Out of all Colleen Hoover’s books i read this is the only one so far i have the biggest problem with. I’ve never wanted to punch the main character in the face so much as i did after i finished the book. Maybe not one character but both bc one dumb decision led to another and here we are, happily ever after …

This one was an emotional roller coaster. 🎢 Starts off with that super cheesy romance that I happen to be a sucker for. Instant fake love as Ben poses to be Fallon’s boyfriend to help ease the conversation she was having with her father at a restaurant. From there, Ben and Fallon decide to meet once a year for the next 5 years on the anniversary of their fake romance. He’s charming and witty and falls hard in love for real. She’s insecure outwardly but so full of determination and passion. She’s cautious but willing.
For only meeting once a year they experience a lot of heartbreak and grief. Their date never goes according to plan but they keep at it anyway. All things considered, this relationship could never work out. What brought them together could very well be their undoing. You gotta read it yourself to find out. Bring tissues.

I just finished. And that was a lot. But as is my issue with the few Colleen Hoover books I’ve read. They are good till they aren’t. I can see why people like them and I can see why they are good. But they always end up not making sense. And they always end with me going “really that’s what your doing like wtf” and that is my issue with Colleen Hoover. But I can also understand the hype.

This book simply made me believe in true love regardless of looks and your past

Wow what a book! I’ve never found a book I truly loved as much as this one before. It’s enticing and heartbreaking all at the same time. Well worth a read!

| 1.5 Okay I pulled myself through this bullshit even tho I said I wasn't going to... nd this book redeemed itself just a tiny bit. A tiny tiny bit. It's still bad though. Dnf @ pg 40 Okay. Yup. 0pe there's too much creepy going on here. 0t the plain creepy but the one you start to see when you think about it. Her point of view was kinda okay but his Ohhh boy was it creepy. So Imma just say 0pe I ain't pulling myself through this bullshit.

I don’t really know how to feel about this book, but I'll give it a 2 for now. (view spoiler)[Ben is kind of a creep and Fallon just goes along with it. After I got over that, I weirdly started to like their…thing. I was rooting for them. When Ben interrupted the date, he gave me really bad vibes. On one hand, I keep finding flaws in him, and on the other, I feel bad for him because he caused so much pain for Fallon without meaning to. I don’t think he meant any harm with the fake boyfriend thing, but it was definitely weird. I like a lot about Fallon, but I hate that Colleen Hoover made her so insecure until Ben came along. I understand how Ben can help her confidence, but the whole thing is written like her all of her confidence came from him. I hate that. I do think I like them together, even though it started off pretty strange. (hide spoiler)]

I'm so conflicted!!! The idea is adorable BUT Ben's character was so problematic!!! So many red flags I cannot even begin to list them. There's a girl who kept track of all the red flags, go check her review.

So many twists and turns! I enjoyed this one so much. There is angst, so much pain, and it feels so real. Can't recomment it enough. If you like Colleen Hoover you can't miss this book.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, CoHo writes trauma porn. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and did not want to put it down. HOWEVER. Please just call this book what it is, toxic. Coho wouldn’t know a healthy relationship if it hit her in the face. Oddly enough, I’m here for it. conflicted by my review? Same. 😂

It was an okay book at best. This book is nice, but halfway through the book, I felt no connection whatsoever. It may be the whole point with the way it was made and its plot. I wasn't attached to the book, but it may be because the last books I read before reading this were so much better that's why I was disappointed. Idk if it's just me, but I also found some parts very problematic. However, I think it is a nice book if you're looking for something to read.

** spoiler alert ** I have no idea how Colleen keeps doing this to me. I love how Miles, Tate, and Ian are mentioned in this book. I loved everything about this book. Fallon finding out Ben was seeing someone. My heart stopped. I knew it from the second that boy walked into that restaurant.

Cute! I didn’t see the plot twist coming and loved it. After that, I was a goner until the book was over.

It was a a little repetitive in some aspects, but still a good read. It was an easy read as well. There were some things that surprised me. Twists!

I loved this book. When I first started it I couldn’t stop. I loved the story, the plot, the characters.
I cried so many times while reading this book.
It’s really good.

probably one of the most conflicting books i’ve ever read. there were a few problematic things in this book that sort of upset me a bit, mostly misogynistic and homophobic (only one) stuff in the book. so many things comes from ben, and yet, i was starting to like him because he seem cool enough to like him, but he was just a big mess later on and i just lost the connection. i actually don’t even connect with anyone in the book that makes me emotionally attached to this book. and apparently even fallon, who is the one that accepts what ben does to her. i also heard that there was a movie that had a similar premise of the book and as i read the summary and watched the trailer of it, this book losts its originality. although this book is tearing me apart with how i feel about it, a part of me liked it (that does not mean enjoy it, i actually don’t like it more - it’s complicated). from the last 10% of the book, i really enjoy that part more than anything else, except when the two were enjoying themselves before stuff happens. and this is separate from the book itself but i’ve listened to the audiobook for the first time and it was a good experience, except the parts when it’s ben’s pov and the narrator who plays ben speaks so fast when i was trying to speed it up to 2x. overall, i really can’t explain how i feel about it, but for now this all i want to say. i really don’t know if i should support coho - probably not, but i’m planning to read one more book from her and that’s all from her, and when i finally do, i’ll speak out what i want to say about her.

ok what the hell was that???

Hands down. The best book I’ve read by Colleen Hoover. Scratch that. November 9 occupies the space for best book I’ve ever read. From page one, this book instantly had me wrapped around its finger. Very rare do books make you gasp out loud or evoke such emotion you have to close the book to digest what just happened. All the romance in this book, the heartbreak, and the dialogue was delivered to perfection. This book did it all with an ending that hits in every right place there is to hit. This book in its entirety has my heart just like Ben and Fallon do.

Colleen Hoover has done it again! The write up of this book really doesn't do it any justice. Wouldn't really have read it if not for Angelee's recommendation. I'm so glad I did! This is a must read for any Colleen Hoover fan.

3.5/5 ⭐️


Actual rating is 4.5 stars. I almost forgot how CoHo writes amazing plot twists and devastating back stories on her characters. Damn, I was hurting for the both of them. This is a funny, romantic tear jerking novel that can be read in one sitting. Plus, November 9 is my birthday y'all. Thanks CoHo!

"Sometimes at night, I'll rewrite conversations I had during the day, but I'll change them up to reflect everything I wish I could have said in the moment. So I just want you to know that tonight when I write this conversation down on paper, I'll say something really heroic and it’ll make you feel really good about your life."
Heel real

“Do fictional boyfriends cry as much as I do?” I ask her.
She laughs. “Only the really great ones.”

Youth and beauty fade. Human decency doesn’t

I've read twenty-six romance novels, only five if which Fallon recommend. What she failed to tell me is that two of the novels she suggested were firsts in a series, so of course I had to finish the series.

you’ll never be able to find yourself if you’re lost in someone else

falling in love may not be a conscious decision but removing yourself from the situation before it happens is

it’s sad that i’d rather be greeted by an empty booth than by my own father

it’s hard to believe someone could ever find me attractive when i can’t even look at myself in the mirror

the truth is an excruciating painful son of a bitch

i used to think i was pretty. but hair and clothes can only cover up so much

she “loved me” in quotations , she kissed me in bold I TRIED TO KEEP HER in all caps she left with an ellipse…

a body is simply a package for the true gifts inside

it took four year to fall in love with him, it only took four year for it to stop

when you find love , you take it.you grab it with both hands and do everything in your power not to let it go.

It feels like my heart is literally breaking. Cracking right down the middle, bleeding out into my chest, filling my lungs with blood, making it impossible to breathe.