Roads of Destiny

Roads of Destiny Original Text

O Henry2020
The song was over. The words were David's; the air, one of the countryside. Thecompany about the inn table applauded heartily, for the young poet paid for the wine. Onlythe notary, M. Papineau, shook his head a little at the lines, for he was a man of books, andhe had not drunk with the rest.David went out into the village street, where the night air drove the wine vapour fromhis head. And then he remembered that he and Yvonne had quarrelled that day, and that hehad resolved to leave his home that night to seek fame and honour in the great worldoutside."When my poems are on every man's tongue," he told himself, in a fine exhilaration,"she will, perhaps, think of the hard words she spoke this day."Except the roisterers in the tavern, the village folk were abed. David crept softly into hisroom in the shed of his father's cottage and made a bundle of his small store of clothing.With this upon a staff, he set his face outward upon the road that ran from Vernoy.He passed his father's herd of sheep, huddled in their nightly pen-the sheep he herdeddaily, leaving them to scatter while he wrote verses on scraps of paper. He saw a light yetshining in Yvonne's window, and a weakness shook his purpose of a sudden. Perhaps thatlight meant that she rued, sleepless, her anger, and that morning might-But, no! Hisdecision was made. Vernoy was no place for him. Not one soul there could share histhoughts. Out along that road lay his fate and his future.
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