

Single working women in Japanese corporations are commonly referred to as "OLs" (office ladies), forming a distinct category in Japan's business environment. Quite often their work consists of such things as serving tea to their bosses and xeroxing ream after ream of paperwork. This work is not exactly fulfilling, as is indicated by the occasional story one hears of well-educated young American women coming to Japan to work only to find themselves designated as OLs; the result, more often than not, is a quick resignation. Survival in the Office, in comic book form, takes a look at the daily life of the Japanese OL -- how she valiantly attempts to survive in the office, how she strives to give meaning to her life. We see these young single women as they spar with their colleagues, as they turn even their lunchtime into a significant experience, as they use their annual leave to utmost effect, and, finally, as they meet their partners and lovers. The story told is one of intelligence and persistence in the face of an entrenched system. There is a good deal of isolation and inner struggle here, but there is also courage and an abundance of humor. In the end, the OL triumphs, and we triumph with her. In the process we also learn a great deal about the structure and organization of Japanese corporate life.
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