

The epic second installment in the Elves series, exploring the worlds and lives of the White Elves and the Half-Elves. The White Elves are an ancient race of immortals—wise, proud . . . . and isolated. They choose to live apart from other races, keeping to their island homes and guarding and preserving treasures too precious to expose to the world: books, weapons, sometimes even living creatures. When the last white dragon appears in the land of men, the White Elves have no choice; the monster must be found and brought to safety. Let the hunt begin . . . The Half-Elves are a loathed race. Despised and rejected by purebreds, they have no country, no king, no community. They are persecuted, exiled, imprisoned, or simply exterminated at birth. But all that is about to change. A Chosen One will rise, and the world will never be the same again. Insight Editions is excited to introduce Volume 2 in the internationally acclaimed Elves series. Translated from the original French and featuring show-stopping artwork, this enchanting graphic novel will thrill fans of The Lord of the Rings and other high-fantasy classics!
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