One Last Stop

A beautiful, unashamedly Lesbian story set in New York. Every character felt so alive, so real. While it was ultimately light-hearted, and while I loved so much of the book, the parts that shone the most were the realest ones. The ones to do with family, with prejudice, and most importantly, grief. I tried reading this in January 2023, in the middle of a big slump, and couldn’t seem to read past the first few chapters. This time around, I finished it in 2 days. What a gift.

Wasnt what I expected and took some time to get into the Story but was very interesting! Expected the end after understanding what was going on but was a nice happy end nevertheless.

This was longer than the books I usually read, but regardless, it was an enjoyable read. I'm a sucker for found-family and this book delivered. The exploration of the friendships was a highlight to me. I liked the diversity of the cast, and I was such a fan of Niko and Myla, they're such a cute couple and interesting characters. My only complaint is that it took me long to feel connected to the characters (past the 50% mark), which made it feel like the pacing was slow and the story was dragging. Before I started truly caring for the characters, the whole Jane mystery was what kept me engaged. And lastly, I loved the revelations and twists, they kept the story intriguing. In short, pick this up if you're looking for an unserious lovely read.

"Here they are. Two sets of sneakers on a scrap of metal. Two girls in the middle of a hurricane, tearing down the line. She’s looking up at Jane, and Jane’s looking down at her, and August feels her everywhere, even the places she’s not touching, pressed close as the world roars on." damn. what a perfect read for pride month! i love august and jane so much i could cry. also myla, niko, and wes. found family trope, you are always dear to me 🫶🏼 i would never be able to ride a train, listen to love of my life by queen (which is already one of my all time fav songs before reading this so it's even more special now), and eat pancakes without thinking of subway girl and coffee girl. this book is a time, a place, and a person. p.s. if they can make a perfect rwrb adaptation, i hope jane and august get one too someday.

God, I remember growing up and only reading stories about straight white couples… reading this made me more emotional than I thought it would. It made me laugh out loud (literally) and made me cry to the point where my tears stained the pages. I love this book, so much.

2.5 not because it's particularly bad but because it's not my kind of book

** spoiler alert ** 4.5 ☆‘s rounded down tengo muchos SENTIMIENTOS ESPEREN where can I get a tall butch lesbian from the 70’s to rail me?? the side characters were amazing and funny, our main characters WERE SO CUTE dios míoOO. amé el final. part of me was always kinda hesitant con la idea que Jane se quedara en el presente con August, like, my girl lost her entire life in a blink of an eye y no sé si sería lo mejor que se quedara. but they love each other SO MUCH they belong together. and then at the end when Jane was able to reconnect with her family, it was very heartwarming ):

Angsty, fluffy and found family

I was looking forward to this book because I enjoyed red, white, and royal blue so much. but I really struggled with this one, honestly. the plot was lacking, and I didn’t feel like I was able to build strong connections to august’s roommates and friends. we skip over her college adventures because of her romance with jane, which just felt odd regarding the plot. and jane being stuck in the train was a cool concept, but it got boring fast. their love story was sweet, but this book felt extremely longwinded. I’m surprised I didn’t dnf it, but here we are.

** spoiler alert ** I didn’t think I would be too into this book after finding out about Jane’s issue, but once the plan started, I was so invested. I kinda wanted Jane to go back and watch her sisters grow up, but I also wanted her to stay with August. Either way, I’m happy with how it ended. One thing that throws me off is August’s friend’s automatic acceptance of Jane's situation. There is barely any questioning. They just hear about this weird thing and are okay with it. Also, I understand that there’s no way for August and Jane to have sex outside of a subway, but it is still strange.

wholesome <3

i read this in a day and a half i feel insane

this book makes me want to live in an nyc suburb with a chosen queer family and and epic love story SO BAD PLS READ IT HOLY FCK

easy-read, cute but not special

i love girls who love girls and books about loving girls that makes my heart all warm and fuzzy because i !!! love !!! girls !!!

IM CRYING this book is absolutely incredibly well written. the characters are so lovable and i’ll never get over august and biyu.


This was such a fun, cute book!! I loved every character in it; they were all unique and interested. The characters were well-developed. Everything about their relationships was a strong point in the book. A great execution of a found family, and I love the found family trope! The plot is interesting and the writing was beautiful. However, I felt like it was too dragging. I enjoyed the first and last part, but during the middle part, I got slightly uninterested. Overall, this book was still a nice read.

Despite reading the synopsis of this book, I still ended up surprised and confused at the extremely bizarre take on NYC public transit. A quick read but I just didn’t like it as much as Red, White & Royal Blue.

me when women🤓👩❤️💋👩☺️ i’m a sucker for the found family trope and this was right up my alley. i really enjoyed reading it, the characters are lovely and the little community august found are very endearing. i love myla and niko! wes is ummm let’s just say he’s an aaron minyard to me. love Jane she’s everything to me... i deserve her!!!! anyway this was a nice read that lived up to my expectations. casey get writing i need a sequel stat

Omfg is all I can say. This book has, tied with Evelyn Hugo, become my favorite book of the year. It’s so good! I literally loved ALL of the characters, I loved how inclusive and relatable they all were. The storyline was also just *chefs kiss*. There were plot twist everywhere and I honestly could not figure out what would happen until the final pages. GO READ THIS BOOK!!

“Thank you, I guess. You didn’t have to help me, but you did.”
August huffs out a laugh. “I just did it because I thought you were hot.”
Jane touched her chin with the back of her knuckles. “There are worse reasons to break the laws of space and time.”

She's twenty-three years old, and she's doing something absolutely stupid, and she's allowed to do absolutely stupid things whenever she wants, and the rest doesn't have to matter right now. How had she not realized it sooner? As it turns out, letting herself have fun is fun.

«There's no good timing in this situation.” (…) "Maybe no good timing means there's no bad timing either.”

“like a steampunk Tony Stark in a leather skirt”
I love it


"Truth is, when you spend your whole life alone, it's incredibly appealing to move somewhere big enough to get lost in, where being alone looks like a choice."
Brb putting this on my wall.

"Jane is lightning on long legs - the dark never stood a chance"

"She's leaning back, one arm slung over the back of an empty seat, and she...she's got tattoos. Half a sleeve. A red bird curling down from her shoulder, Chinese characters above her elbow. An honest-to-God old-timey anchor on her bicep.
August cannot believe her fucking luck"
I fancy Jane. So much.

"You can tear yourself apart and rebuild from scratch, bring yourself to every corner of the map, sew a new self from the scraps of a thousand other people and places. You can try and expand to fill a different shape. But at the end of the day, there's a place at the foot of the bed where your shoes hit the floor and, it's the same.
It's always the same."

"...but I can look at the space around where I sit in the world, what creates that shape, and I can care about what it's made of, if it's good, if it hurts anyone, it makes people happy, if it makes me happy. And that can be enough for now."

"None of us know exactly who we are, and guess what? It doesn't fucking matter."

He's sweating like a fucking hard cheese on the A train.
LMAOO what a fab simile

"Sometimes the point is to be sad, August. Sometimes you just have to feel it because it deserves to be felt."

August had the sexual prowess of a goldfish and the emotional vocabulary to match

"Not to be a buzzkill, but Mercury is in retrograde for another week, which is... not optimal"
love ya niko

"I wish I were never born," August moans into the floor.
"Retweet," Wes says solemnly.

What if I get out there and end up realizing there's not a dream for me, or a purpose, or anything—

It’s nuts that we all start out having these vague ideas of what we like to do, hobbies, interests, and then one day everybody has their thing, you know? They used to just be a person and now they're a-an architect, or a banker, or a lawyer, or-or a serial killer who makes jewelry out of human teeth. Like, things. That they do. That they are. What if there's not that thing for me?