One of Us Is Lying

It really does keep you on your toes and questioning things. At the end I kinda figured it out but I wasn't surprised by the plot twist. Overall, it was good.

This book was able to get me back into reading. I couldn't put the book down at all. The ending was a bit predictable but that didn't take away from the book at all. The characters were enjoyable and I liked being able to see each persons perspective and how they felt about the events happening. The main characters were able to show growth and change through-out the book. It flowed well too. Overall I would recommend the book to anyone who wants to get back into reading or anyone who wants an introduction to mystery and thriller with a touch of romance!

Amazing read. Couldnât figure it out the whole time!

Loved loved loved! Kept me interested and the ending was not what I was expecting at all!đ¤Ż

*3.75 stars. I enjoyed this book, it was a fast read. I was really in the mood for some kind of mystery and this book was perfect. I did guess who did it like halfway through the book and I canât believe Bronwyn couldnât have thought of that earlier. Overall pretty good and Iâm excited to read more by this author.

iâm probably a bit too old to read and enjoy something like this because the main characters are all teenagers. it was a nice read anyway, great to keep things off your mind.

A great teenage book, thereâs an interesting plot twist but it is easy to find it by yourself in the middle of the book.
I appreciate the romantic plot, itâs kinda cute

Eh it really wasn't for me...

WOW!! Great readâŚamazing mysteryâŚcrazy twist!! Love that itâs told from multiple points of view!!

My first YA thriller/mystery, such a pleasant surprise. Fast pacing, engrossing premise and characters who spoke and acted like legit teens. Will definitely read the sequel.

It was good but I figured out the ending sooo yeah

That was the worst reveal lol

I'm curious why there's a sequel and I'm intrigued to read it but also know I'm going to hate it.

started in 2020 only got like barely half way and just finished. I was like âoh my god why did i stop thisâ for maybe like 100 pages then i got reminded why i put it back down in the last like 70 it was like dragged i guess? i donât even know how to explain it i just didnât like the characters even though i was supposed to. good plot twist though just needed to be shortened. I think the only reason i donât like this is it was too based in the four, same reason i hated final girls: how are you going to have a book mainly about the characters and then have the characters not developed well.

five stars bc it was addictive and actually had a satisfying ending- could not put it down also Nate is so hot god help me

In general, this was a very good book. The back cover tells you from the beginning that this is a book you won't be able to put down. I find that to be incredibly true. I started reading two or three days ago and in three sessions, I've completed the book. It's a whirlwind of a story. You dive right in at the very beginning and the twists and turns don't stop until the last chapter. This book deals with so many things, depression, sexuality, relationships and more. The ending however, is kind of predictable. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy reading it. If I had known the ending from the beginning, I still would have picked up this book. That being said there's still some downtime in this book. There are some scenes that feel kind of unnecessary and clunky. I could do without some of the scenes. The dialogue is snappy and everything said is for the most part important. McManus does a great job of building character relationships. I felt like I really knew each of the characters, even though there were quite a few to keep track of. For the most part, this was a good read. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who's a fan of YA drama!

this was so predictable. i felt like this would have been good as a short story because i genuinely do not believe this needed to be this long. which isn't good because this was only like 300 or 350 pages if i am remembering right so i don't think this really hit me like i wanted it to. i am definitely disappointed. the second book does sound better but if it is anything like this i will probably not be reading more of this.

Eine Geschichte Ăźber vier SchĂźler einer Highschool, bei dem während des Nachsitzens ein SchĂźler von einer allergischen Reaktion stirbt. Die Polizei ist von der festen Ăberzeugung, dass es Mord war und das es einer der vier SchĂźler sein musste, doch wer war es wirklich? In dem Buch begleitet man die vier SchĂźler, wie sie versuchen selbst auf den MĂśrder zu kommen.
War sehr spannend, in der Mitte manchmal uninteressant aber die Idee wurde gut umgesetzt, weil der Schluss auch realistisch war und nicht nur dieses typische, dass der MÜrder jemand war an dem man nicht gedacht hätte.

** spoiler alert ** i literally went from "i find every single one of you annoying" to "nate, i will love you forever" by the end of the book lol he was just so !!!!!!!!!!!! i think why bronwyn and nate work so well, even w the typical goodgirl x badboy trope is that nate isn't actually Bad hes just a bit misguided and cool as hell... hes kind and uncaring yet honest abt EVERYTHING. which in my pov is better than being pretend good. bronwyn is pretentious at times but shes very supportive of ppl she holds close to her heart so she gets plus points for that addy and cooper both cheat on their partners at some point and that part of their character makes me a bit. unnerved. cos no matter what, cheating is never okay but the book never actually makes it seem like its a bad thing ???? by this point, i should just be happy that at the Very least, addy regrets doing it. bec cooper on the other hand, never even actually acknowledges itđ what i feel for simon is a bit complicated. he freaks me the fuck out but then i also think that maybe if everyone didn't treat him the way they did, he wouldnt have went that far. but then, they all treated him like shit was exactly bec of his creepy behaviour, he scared the hell out of everyone bec who knows when he'll post something abt one of them and ruin their entire lives? i just wish he couldve gotten help earlier :! cooper's words stick with me, that even though simon planned it all out maniacally for months, the moment it actually happened, he regretted it.

** spoiler alert ** FINISHED 5/5 â ainât no way it was simon all alongđ last few chapters was a rollercoaster and iâm SOOOO GLAD bronwyn and nate are talking again hehe, i hope the second book is as a good as this cause yes

This gave me major agggtm vibes and Iâm loving it canât wait to start the next book
Iâve been looking for a book like this again for so long so Iâm very excited

This was one my my first ever murder mystery books i had read and this book was what made me want to read more of them. I loved the story line and it was full of twists and turns throughout.


"If you'll admit that insurgent is a cinematic tour de force and you're dying to see it, I'll consider your proposal."
Nate snaps his head up and gives me a smile like the sun coming out. "Insurgent is a cinematic tour de force and I'm dying to see it."
Happiness starts bubbling through me, making it hard to keep a straight face. I manage, though, because I'm not going to make things that easy on him. Nate can sit through the entire series before we leave the friend zone. "That was fast," I say. "I expected more resistance."
"I already wasted too much time."

"You hate those movies," I remind him.
"I really do." He sounds regretful, and I almost crack a smile. "I like you more, though. I miss you like crazy."

I don't know where to look because there's no part of him that doesn't undo me.

But I'm starting to reaize there are some things you can't undo, no matter how good your intentions are.

"Bronwyn Rojas, I solemnly sweat not to murdet you today or at any point in the future. Deal?"

I'd never been featured; I'm too squeaky-clean for that.
There's only one thing Simon might have written about me, but it would have been almost impossible for him to find out.
Now I guess he never will.

My older sister, Ashton, likes to joke that I'm one of those barnacles that would die without its host. It's not actually so funny.

I did not like it. Personally I didnât really understand the beginning and I thought it was quite confusing

âI don't know why it's so hard for people to admit that sometimes they're just assholes who screw up because they don't expect to get caught.â
~ Nate

"You realize it's sexist to say man-whore, right? If you have to use the term you should at least be gender-neutral about it."
~ Bronwyn

âMostly I thought Evan and I had potential to be a solid couple until graduation, at which point weâd break up amicably and head to our different college. Which I realize is pretty uninspiring, but so is high school dating. For me, anyway.â
~ Bronwyn

Honestly, I don't care what we do. I just want to stay wrapped around him for as long as possible, fighting sleep and forgetting about the rest of the world
Me and who?

Im Leben geht es nicht darum, die Sprintstrecke zu schaffen sondern den Marathon durchzustehen

"The first seven years of the Joshua tree's life, it's just a vertical stem. No branches," she told me while we were hiking. "It takes years before it blooms. And every branching stem stops growing after it blossoms, so you've got this complex system of dead areas and new growth." I used to think about that, sometimes, when I wondered what parts of her might still be alive.
pg. 221

My hand hurts within minuet. It's pathetic, I guess.
Such a brillant read.

hĂźbsch auf eine Art, an die man sich nicht erinnert.