"In this second installment of M.L. Wang's Theonite series, Joan and Daniel plunge headlong into the parallel world of Duna with danger hot on their heels. Daniel always intended to take on the Firebird mantle and fight his father’s enemies, but he didn’t expect to have to do it at the age of thirteen under a hail of spears and bullets. Joan came to Duna hoping to find a world where she wouldn’t be isolated because of her powers, but adjusting to existence on the bottom of Duna’s racial hierarchy turns out to be more painful than any of the alienation she experienced on Earth. Grieving, unbalanced, and quickly becoming the most wanted people on the Dakkabana space city, Joan and Daniel are forced to strike up alliances with some unlikely people: a hyperactive Firebird fanboy, a friendly painter, and the disappointing son of an otherwise powerful warrior family"--Back cover.
Daniel Kirwan@dansonofjim