United Kingdom

United Kingdom

This report is part of a series of OECD country reports which review the main barriers to employment for older people and make policy recommendations for further action. This report on the UK finds that, although the labour market has performed well over the past two decades, in common with many OECD countries it is facing a number of major social and economic challenges arising from population ageing. The government has introduced a series of reforms to pensions, social benefits and labour markets to address these issues, but more needs to be done. The report makes a number of recommendations to help develop a comprehensive strategy which covers measures to enhance work incentives embedded in the welfare system, as well as actions on the demand-side. Topics discussed include: demographic trends and potential socio-economic repercussions, the labour market behaviour of older workers, balancing factors of flexibility and hours worked, the UK's retirement system, income security and work incentives for older people.
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