
An excellent retelling of sleeping beauty. Much different from much of Orson Scott Card's other work. Unfortunately, you can still play the game of "find the priest" (or other religiously significant person) in this book, as you can with most if not all his other work. This book is true to it's name, it's enchanting. If you like fairy tales, I think you would be hard pressed not to enjoy this one. Delightfully, the richness of Orson's research and attention to detail is crisp and deep as ever in this book. I always feel as thought I am getting the fruit of a thorough cultural research project when I read Orson's work. He has a way of capturing the flavor of culture, traditions, and the atmosphere of whatever slice of history or the world he is writing about.

IT's like 2am and I finished this book. YAY! I'm giving it four stars only because it took me a few days to really get a feel of the story. But once I got into it I was quite surprised. It was a fairytale spin, which we all know I love more than anything, but this took my expectations of Sleeping Beauty, which has never been one of my favorite fairy tales and gave me a reason to rethink the story itself. I loved the Time traveling/World switching. That was so unique and it gave the story more character that other retellings wouldn't have even attempted. I don't think I'm making sense anymore, but I would totally recommend this book if you love fairy tales and time travel.