Our Stories, Our Voices 21 YA Authors Get Real About Injustice, Empowerment, and Growing Up Female in America

I recommend people of all genders, ethnicities, political standpoints, to pick this book up. Nearly every essay hurts, and certainly every author brings her personal story in a way that will resonate with you some way. Whether you experienced sexual abuse, have been the victim of racism, or are part of the lgbt, you can feel the struggle of the authors. It often hurt for me to read, as a trans boy who has never experienced anything like cat calling or worse. To read about the every day struggles of women, and realising they face every more on top of this if they are not cis and white. It’s confronting, and I often needed to take breaks in between stories. It forms a knot in your belly which I believe we need to feel more often, as society. It is after all, our responsibility to untangle it.