Outwitting Writer's Block And Other Problems of the Pen
If you've ever found yourself staring at the blank page all day, or cleaning out the refrigerator for the fifth time in a week just to avoid seeing that taunting blinking cursor, then you've experienced writer's block. The good news? It means you're a writer. It's not important that you have these times; what's important is how you deal with them. OUTWITTING WRITER'S BLOCK will provide tricks of the trade to help any writer break through the dreaded block and become a more creative and better writer than before. Filled to the brim with exercises designed to jump-start creativity, encouraging tips from fellow writers and instructors, and tools for analyzing the causes and cures for the nefarious Blank Page syndrome, this book is like Drain-o for clogged creative pipes. Glatzer tells writers how to: * know when an idea isn't going to work, versus when it just needs a new approach; * apply relaxation techniques to get back the nirvana of writing "in flow;" * look at writing like any other job, with set hours and required levels of output; * set up your writing space for optimal performance; * tell if you've chosen the wrong form, and/or if it's time to pick a new genre or media; * knock the editor off your shoulder; * examine other causes--lifestyle changes, depression, stress, etc. that may need to be addressed; * and more OUTWITTING WRITER'S BLOCK is a humorous, inspirational, practical guide for writers, college students, businesspeople, and those who would like to write as a means of therapy or "release."