Over the Top

Over the Top

‘Over The Top [is] a lightning bolt – devastating and stirring … generous and frank.’ The Guardian Who gave Jonathan Van Ness permission to be the radiant human he is today? No one, honey. The truth is, it hasn’t always been gorgeous for this beacon of positivity and joy. Before he stole our hearts as the grooming and self-care expert on Netflix’s hit show Queer Eye, Jonathan was growing up in a small Midwestern town that didn’t understand why he was so…over the top. From choreographed carpet figure skating routines to the unavoidable fact that he was Just. So. Gay., Jonathan was an easy target and endured years of judgement, ridicule and trauma - yet none of it crushed his uniquely effervescent spirit. Over the Top uncovers the pain and passion it took to end up becoming the model of self-love and acceptance that Jonathan is today. In this revelatory, raw, and rambunctious memoir, Jonathan shares never-before-told secrets and reveals sides of himself that the public has never seen. JVN fans may think they know the man behind the stiletto heels, the crop tops, and the iconic sayings, but there’s much more to him than meets the Queer Eye. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll come away knowing that no matter how broken or lost you may be, you’re a Kelly Clarkson song, you’re strong, and you’ve got this.
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Photo of Chell A
Chell A@cataiza
4 stars
Apr 9, 2024

My favourite member of the Fab 5! Interesting biography. I listened to the audiobook every time I was on the treadmill and I totally recommend doing so, especially since the audiobook is narrated by JVN himself, hunny! JVN's writing was a bit all over the place, jumping from one topic or event to another. But, hey, you would never get bored. So many different themes (LGBTQI+, living with HIV, sex work, drugs, etc) discussed with such candidness. You would definitely feel for our favourite flamboyant gay and would want to give him a big warm hug.

Photo of claire law
claire law@clairelaw
4 stars
Jun 19, 2023

JVN takes us through his raw, amazing journey with all of its ups and downs; loved the book.

Photo of OliviaPadilla
4 stars
May 14, 2023

This book was like chicken soup for the soul.

Photo of Joana da Silva
Joana da Silva@julesdsilva
5 stars
Mar 5, 2023

I love A Queen.

Photo of Jeannette Ordas
Jeannette Ordas@kickpleat
3 stars
Jan 5, 2023

I like JVN so I was curious to read his memoir. It's fun, an honest and he gets really personal but at the same time I felt he glossed over certain things and there's a lot of jumping around time-wise. Enjoyable and a quick read. 3.5 stars.

Photo of Marisel
Marisel @marisel
4 stars
Nov 20, 2022

I recently experienced a few coincidences that pointed me in the direction of reading this book. Not least of these was running into Jonathan at a local favorite restaurant (but being too shy to approach him), and the very next day coming across an apparently brand new and signed copy of his book in a Little Library in my neighborhood— like a gift. I love Jonathan’s spirit and what he stands for, especially as a beacon of light and hope for LGBTQ+ young people fighting to find their place in the world. It makes me happy that he is in the world. The book treads with a light touch at first, progressing to accounts of his life experiences, some very painful and traumatic. I appreciated the warnings as he eased the reader with humor and respect into the darker chapters. Life is a traumatic journey for everyone, which we all experience at different levels. Jonathan’s has been a seriously difficult journey. Having landed in a place of visibility and with a highly audible voice, he’s used the opportunity for autobiographical disclosure to continue inspiring hope and self esteem in others. This book could not have been an easy one to write. A highly courageous and admirable decision. I could not put down this book for long. It was a very candid and compelling read, full of love and self compassion. I strongly recommend it.

Photo of Heather
3 stars
Aug 21, 2022

3 Stars ⭐️ I really love Jonathan on queer eye and couldn’t wait to read his book. However, this book wasn’t that enjoyable for me to read. I don’t know if it’s just me with memoirs or what. It was just in the middle of the road for me. Didn’t hate it but didn’t love it.

Photo of Lia Yuliana
Lia Yuliana@anodetofiction
4 stars
Aug 14, 2022

TW : drug abuse, bullying Do you love Queer Eye? Do you need a sprinkle of fabulous in your TBR? If you answered Yes to all of the questions above then you would want to pick this up. Jonathan Van Ness is 1 out of 5 members of Queer Eye, a Netflix reality makeover show that aims to help people or in Queer Eye's case "heroes" to improve their confidence and achieve self acceptance in spirit and body. I have always been a fan of Queer Eye since the first season and I have cried watching each episode. Of course, my favorite cast member is Jonathan Van Ness. He has always stricken me as the fabulous unicorn and icon of the show. His personality truly shines amongst the cast. Seeing that he wrote a book about his life and his struggles, I was immediately intrigued. When I saw that the audiobook is available, I had to jump on it. In this book he talks about his early life as a gymnastics/figure skating loving boy growing up in Quincy. From his stories I can definitely imagine young Jonathan being fabulous all around and he is so outspoken about his passions that he called his mom when she is working. There are many tear jerking parts (sad and happy) in his life that really spoke to me as a person. I can relate to his school experiences as I was bullied myself when I was in highschool. The grief Jonatahan felt when his step father died, resonated with me because I myself also lost my father in my early 20's. It really hits hard and it does mess you up when you lose a parent. No matter how many times he struggled with himself, he never gives up and always comes back to his roots. Not shying away from help that is always there for him. Many of his life journeys brought him to be the person he is and many of his decisions shapes him to be the ultra fab Jonathan Van Ness. He has worked so hard to achieve his accomplishments and it is an inspiring journey that he is sharing. Jonathan is doing us a favor by writing this book spreading awareness of HIV/AIDS in the LGBTQ+ community, sharing the importance of self love, and reminding us to always be unapologetically ourselves. If you're looking for a short inspiring journey or if you're a fan of Queer Eye. Please read this book!

Photo of Brooke Chapman
Brooke Chapman @brookie699
5 stars
Apr 15, 2022

This book was a journey in the best way. An absolute roller coaster of emotions. Jonathan Van Ness' story is incredibly powerful and one that needs to be heard by everyone. His experiences are heartbreaking but his upbeat attitude carries you through laughing between the tears. I am so glad i got round to reading this.

Photo of Alexa Jade
Alexa Jade@galexiefaraway
5 stars
Mar 3, 2022

This is definitely a raw, potentially triggering story so definitely look into triggers before picking it up. I thoroughly enjoyed it

Photo of Archita Birla
Archita Birla@architaxb
3 stars
Feb 27, 2022

Overall, this book was an interesting read. Jonathan Van Ness has lived a very full, very tumultuous life, and I always believe that everyone has a story worth reading. For as much as I enjoy JVN as a person and am a fan of queer eye, I really didn’t like this (even thought I super wanted to). I think this book was meant to exist only as an audiobook, because the style of writing is so off-putting and reads like you transcribed a conversation, it feels like a great deal of the written content is fluff and clutter and it distracts from the genuine importance of the story being told, and it's jarring as a reader to jump through two incredibly different topics so quickly. This, amongst the writing style, makes it feel a lot like you are reading someone's journal entry and not a published book that has been edited and reviewed. It also made me so deeply uncomfortable and I found it quite offensive that he talks about his connection to spirituality and reading incredibly important Hindu texts in the same line and regard as a book called Skinny bitch that traumatized them. Regardless of my frustrations, I enjoyed this a decent amount. I am happy that they are happy, living a life they had imagined, and able to be their authentic selves. Also, very important trigger warnings for: (view spoiler)[graphic discussions of sexual assault, addiction, drug use, being a closeted kid in a small town, bullying (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Bryanna M
Bryanna M@byranna_mere
5 stars
Feb 23, 2022

This made me laugh and cry within the same hour. I have such respect for the positivity that JVN puts forth in the universe despite what he's been through. I also really appreciated that while telling stories about his trauma, he also acknowledged his privilege as a middle class white man, while still approaching himself with compassion, love, and understanding.

Photo of Caroline Lewicki
Caroline Lewicki@clewicki20
5 stars
Jan 30, 2022

Jonathan Van Ness’ journey to loving and caring for himself is truly an important one. He’s honest in the struggles he’s experienced and his truth is so raw it sometimes hurts. But JVN is also funny and light (I laughed so hard at his childhood essay about Bill Clinton). If you’re looking for a quick but deep read, this is a great one! I just wish we got pictures of baby Jack!

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
5 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Loved this to pieces. Jonathan is so fun and sincere, and he tells his story in a way that really makes you feel what he is feeling. I teared up a few times. Please, please, please read this on audiobook, is really an experience. He might be my favorite queer guy now (sorry Antoni!) I don't think rating biographies/life stories is kinda a good thing but I loved this so much that I felt like I just had to express it with 5 stars :)

Photo of Jennifer Dieter
Jennifer Dieter@jdeets03
4 stars
Dec 30, 2021

JVN may not be the best writer, but his book is filled with so much heart it stops mattering midway through.

Photo of Toniy Knight
Toniy Knight@itstoniy
5 stars
Nov 25, 2021

I'm never sure how to rate and review autobiographies. How do you rate someones life. That being said Over The Top is an easy five star read. Entertaining but also dark at times readers are given an honest look into Jonathan Van Ness's life story. Along with a few life lessons that for me hit very close to home.

Photo of Etti Calderon
Etti Calderon@ettibee
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

Read for a boost of empathy and optimism.

Photo of Kath Lau
Kath Lau@kath_reads
4 stars
Nov 18, 2021

This book tells the story of Jonathan Van Ness before he became part of Netflix’s Queer Eye and Fab Five. JVN narrates the trauma, pain, and ridicule he endured throughout the years which made him more stronger, unique, and radiant than ever. TW: child sexual abuse, sex and drug addiction, bullying, homophobia, mental health I highly recommend listening to the audiobook especially if you love JVN and his effervescent personality. His positive and lively energy is very contagious that we often forget that he's also like us. He's only human who makes bad desicions and has some terrible past. I really like his frankness and honesty. I appeciate that he acknowledged his privilege. He is aware that other people have more bigger struggles than him and not everyone has the support that he has. His revelation towards the end made me love him even more! This book, just like JVN, radiates positivity and self-love. Such an inspiring human being!

Photo of Ana Ignat
Ana Ignat@anaaa
5 stars
Nov 2, 2021

loved this book!! i have so much respect for jvn and his ability to be open and honest about his experiences. i think he's so inspiring, being able to live authentically and encourage others to do so as well!!!!!

Photo of Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson@saltyy_sarah
5 stars
Oct 18, 2021

I absolutely powered through this book because it was SO GOOD!!!!! Jonathan has always been my favourite out of the Fab 5 so I was so excited to receive this for Christmas. Reading about his journey felt so intimate and personal and I was so invested in his story that I could not put it down. Even in his darkest moments his personality shone through and I found myself reading the book in his voice (I’m my head)! For someone who rarely reads biographies this was a perfect blend of comedy, tragedy, determination and courage that formed a well-rounded wonderful story.

Photo of Becca Futrell
Becca Futrell@astoldbybex
5 stars
Oct 5, 2021

This made me cry and I love it. I’m officially gonna watch Queer Eye so I can support this qt.

Photo of Becca Futrell
Becca Futrell@astoldbybex
5 stars
Oct 5, 2021

This made me cry and I love it. I’m officially gonna watch Queer Eye so I can support this qt.

Photo of Chelsea Breher
Chelsea Breher@cheezyreads
5 stars
Sep 27, 2021

God I love the fab5. Jonathan Van Ness' book is a very deep dive into their life, it is how they've become the strong beautiful queen they are. This book felt like I was sitting down for coffee with a friend having a deep conversation!

Photo of Chelsea White
Chelsea White@itschelseaw
4 stars
Sep 26, 2021

I, obviously, first came to know JVN from Queer Eye. I loved how kind, big hearted and witty he was on the show. I also love his podcast because I’m forever curious about everything. Getting to know him through those pieces of media (and his socials) helped me love him even more. This book, especially the vulnerability that spills out from it, is astounding and truly has me rooting for him harder than ever. He reveals a lot about himself and what he’s gone through (which you should read in his own words, I would never be able to do it justice), a lot of it is harrowing and heartbreaking. To see how he built himself up from the lowest low is inspiring in a non-cheesy way.