
Revealed A House of Night Novel

Revealed is the spellbinding eleventh and penultimate installment in the #1 New York Times bestselling vampyre series by PC and Kristin Cast. Drastically altered after her fall at the end of Hidden, Neferet is now more dangerous than ever—and her quest for vengeance will wreak havoc on humans, as well as Zoey and her friends. Chaos is loosed in Tulsa and the House of Night is blamed. Can Zoey stop Neferet in time to keep her anger from escalating to full-on war? Or will someone else have to step in to take the fall? The House of Night series is an international phenomenon, reaching #1 on U.S., German, and UK bestseller lists, and remaining a fixture on The New York Times Children's Series bestseller list for nearly 150 weeks and counting. With more than 12 million copies in print, rights sold in thirty–eight countries to date, and relatable, addictive characters, this series is unstoppable. Now, in the eleventh and penultimate installment of the series, the action is more intense and the stakes even higher as Zoey and her friends battle to protect their school and home from devastating evil—all while balancing romances, precarious friendships and the daily drama of the House of Night's halls.
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Photo of Tracie McMurray
Tracie McMurray@mrs_mcmurray
3 stars
Aug 18, 2022

Not great. Shocking ending.

Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
3 stars
Jul 24, 2022

Honesty better than the last one but still just waiting for the end

Photo of Elizabeth Tramont
Elizabeth Tramont@liztram
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022

My favorite (so far) in this series. Thanatos sticking it to the High Council. Nyx slowly forgiving Kalona. Finally getting to know Neferet’s life story. Stark is the biggest asshat. I could not stand him the second his character was introduced. And while I doubt it will happen, I really hope Zoey leaves him in the last book.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
1 star
Mar 7, 2022

Yes, well this was okay. That's it. Excited to wrap this series up.

Photo of Sasha Mann
Sasha Mann@finalgirlreads
4 stars
Feb 2, 2022

Story starts off with a shocking and gut wrenching first scene. Things go from okay for once to somewhat downhill really fast. I was completely shocked. Aphrodite has a very confusing vision of Zoey. Looks like things are about to get a lot more complicated and confusing for our characters. Thanatos has a shocking change of heart when it comes to the fledgling and vampyres of the Tulsa House of Night. Standing in their corner and completely in their side. We also get quite a bit of backstory of Neferet which is to better explain her motives for what she has been doing

Photo of Jessica Williamson
Jessica Williamson@jlw_writes
4 stars
Dec 5, 2021

** spoiler alert ** This was by far the BEST one of these books since around book 6 or so! I read through it fairly quickly and quite enjoyed it unlike some of the more recent ones where I've dreaded every page. My favorite things about this one: Aphrodite and Shaylin working together. It shows an even nicer side of Aphrodite that I quite enjoy. By the end of the book you forget that she should be grieving the loss of her parents. Also I enjoyed Thanatos's loyalty to Zoey and her friends. Not many adults have stuck by them so it was enjoyable to see. Things I hated: The DRAMA! It's a book for teens so boyfriend/girlfriend drama is supposed to happen but why is it always the same couples that have the same issues book after book? Haven't they figured out to be honest with one another and grow up yet? Also, Erin's death. I had, like many others, hoped she would have returned as a red fledgeling after her demise but she didn't and that made me sad. I liked the connection that Erin and Shaunee had and I'll miss that. What I'm still questioning: How the Goddess feels about being a large part of the reason why Neferet became an evil bitch monster from hell. I mean, you let her cat die when she flat out told you it was the only thing she loved. Also, my biggest pondering is about the Seer Stone and if Sgiach new it was evil. And if she did, why would she let Zoey leave the island with it? Oh and then there's that whole Zoey confessing to murder thing! Guess we'll all be awaiting the finale book to see how Zoey gets herself out of this one!

Photo of Anastaciya
1 star
Oct 27, 2021

Blagh!.. well, now that I've read the 11 books, I need to finish this, and I'm done with these books forever!!!

Photo of Kenna Armstrong
Kenna Armstrong@mskennajean
3 stars
Oct 1, 2021

Ok. I don't normally actually review books on here, but goodness, this was too terrible to pass up. First of all, I was so tired of Neferet's past that I just completly skipped through those chapters, and it made sense anyway. Also, I'm not sure how old Zoey still is, but she acts like shes maybe 13? She has the matureity of one. The writing in this book reminded me of my rough draft of a short story in my english class. It was bad. I just want this story to end already.

Photo of Alice Jones
Alice Jones @aalicejones
4 stars
Sep 4, 2024
Photo of Quinnie
4.5 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Ruby Maldonado
Ruby Maldonado@rubymichelly
3.5 stars
Mar 11, 2022
Photo of Monicap
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024
Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
2 stars
Jul 31, 2023
Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
2 stars
Jul 31, 2023
Photo of Kristen Domonkos
Kristen Domonkos @kdomo13
4 stars
Jun 1, 2023
Photo of Haney Hayes PR
Haney Hayes PR@haneyhayespr
5 stars
May 23, 2023
Photo of Carlie Patrick
Carlie Patrick@btwnthepages
5 stars
May 3, 2023
Photo of Vilandra
4 stars
Mar 17, 2023
Photo of Cheyenne Kinney
Cheyenne Kinney @cskin
5 stars
Feb 25, 2023
Photo of Micah
1 star
Jan 3, 2023
Photo of Vesselina
4 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Cheyenne Luree
Cheyenne Luree@cheyenneluree
5 stars
Dec 12, 2022
Photo of Nina
3 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of Jay
5 stars
Nov 1, 2022