Gold All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Gold All That Glitters Is Not Gold How to Avoid Deception in These Last Days

P. Cooper2018
Avoiding spiritual deception could be as simple as 123. When one desires to know th truth, it is many time given just for the asking. I remember a friend of mine sharing with me her confusion on which church is the true church amongst all the thousands of churches, she prayed to the LORD, Please help me find the true church, and she believes the LORD had led her. I have heard this same scenario over and over again. God loves to answer this prayer, if you are sincere, He will put you in the true church just for the asking. In this book I reveal a gross deception in the religious world for the honest sincere seeker of truth. I say honest and sincere because many love error because it is easier and they basically can do what they want. John 3:19,20. But for those who walk those streets of gold at last will have the meet the standard of God outlined in the scriptures, there is no other way. This deception has been going on for many years, lies of the enemy, I will seek to reveal one of many deceptions of the father of lies, the devil. John 8:44 Again if you are an honest sincere seeker of the truth, you will find it here.
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