Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

P. K. Gupta2008
PART I Molecular Biology 1. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Definition, History and Scope 2. Chemistry of the Cell: 1. Micromolecules (Sugars, Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Nucleotides and Lipids) Sugars (Carbohydrates) 3. Chemistry of the Cell . 2. Macromolecules (Nucleic Acids; Proteins and Polysaccharides) Covalent and Weak Non-covalent Bonds 4. Chemistry of the Gene: Synthesis, Modification and Repair of DNA DNA Replication: General Features 5. Organisation of Genetic Material 1. Packaging of DNA as Nucleosomes in Eukaryotes Techniques Leading to Nucleosome Discovery 6. Organization of Genetic Material 2. Repetitive and Unique DNA Sequences 7. Organization of Genetic Material: 3. Split Genes, Overlapping Genes, Pseudogenes and Cryptic Genes Split Genes or .Interrupted Genes 8. Multigene Families in Eukaryotes 9. Organization of Mitochondrial and Chloroplast Genomes 10. The Genetic Code 11. Protein Synthesis Apparatus Ribosome, Transfer RNA and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases Ribosome 12. Expression of Gene . Protein Synthesis 1. Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 13. Expression of Gene: Protein Synthesis: 2. RNA Processing (RNA Splicing, RNA Editing and Ribozymes) Polyadenylation of mRNA in Prokaryotes Addition of Cap (m7G) and Tail (Poly A) for mRNA in Eukaryotes 14. Expression of Gene: Protein Synthesis: 3. Synthesis and Transport of Proteins (Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes) Formation of Aminoacyl tRNA 15. Regulation of Gene Expression: 1. Operon Circuits in Bacteria and Other Prokaryotes 16. Regulation of Gene Expression . 2. Circuits for Lytic Cycle and Lysogeny in Bacteriophages 17. Regulation of Gene Expression 3. A Variety of Mechanisms in Eukaryotes (Including Cell Receptors and Cell Signalling) PART II Genetic Engineering 18. Recombinant DNA and Gene Cloning 1. Cloning and Expression Vectors 19. Recombinant DNA and Gene Cloning 2. Chimeric DNA, Molecular Probes and Gene Libraries 20. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Gene Amplification 21. Isolation, Sequencing and Synthesis of Genes 22. Proteins: Separation, Purification and Identification 23. Immunotechnology 1. B-Cells, Antibodies, Interferons and Vaccines 24. Immunotechnology 2. T-Cell Receptors and MHC Restriction 25. Immunotechnology 3. Hybridoma and Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) Hybridoma Technology and the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies 26. Transfection Methods and Transgenic Animals 27. Animal and Human Genomics: Molecular Maps and Genome Sequences Molecular Markers 28. Biotechnology in Medicine: l.Vaccines, Diagnostics and Forensics Animal and Human Health Care 29. Biotechnology in Medicine 2. Gene Therapy Human Diseases Targeted for Gene Therapy Vectors and Other Delivery Systems for Gene Therapy 30. Biotechnology in Medicine: 3. Pharmacogenetics / Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Phannacogenetics and Personalized 31. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture' Production and Uses of Haploids 32. Gene Transfer Methods in Plants 33. Transgenic Plants . Genetically Modified (GM) Crops and Floricultural Plants 34. Plant Genomics: 35. Genetically Engineered Microbes (GEMs) and Microbial Genomics References
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