Electrophysiology and Microinjection

Electrophysiology and Microinjection Volume 4: Electrophysiology and Microinjection

Electrical activity is central to the functioning and nature of neural cells. Every effort has been made in this volume to provide representative examples of useful techniques that have made this area a productive component of the neurosciences. Convenient bench-top format**Methods presented for easy adaptation to new systems**Comprehensive protocols included for**Cell recording: from conscious and freely behaving animals, measurement of calcium currents, and multiple electrodes**Voltage clamping and voltammetry: apparatus and applications**Specific ion channels and receptors: expression in oocytes, single-cell secretion, purification of calcium channel drug receptors**Special electrodes and other equipment: movable electrodes, microelectrodes, multiple electrodes, en passant recording, microincubators for optical studies**Special preparations: multicompartment cell cultures, grease-gap methods, perforated path techniques, giant proteoliposomes for reconstitution studies, microinjection**Data analysis and reduction: digital filtering on a personal computer, filtering on a personal computer, fitting of single-channel dwell time distributions, discrimination of kinetic models, voltage noise analysis, list-oriented analysis of single-channel systems
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