P. S. I Still Love You

Lara Jean nečekala, že se doopravdy zamiluje do Petera K. Vždyť jen předstírali, že spolu chodí. Ovšem v jednu chvíli oba předstírat přestali a Lara Jean je teď zmatenější než kdy jindy a neví co dělat. A pak se do jejího života vrátí kluk, co se jí dříve líbil, a spolu s ním i to, co k němu cítila. Je možné, aby byla holka zamilovaná do dvou chlapců najednou? . Stejně jako první díl mě knížka nezklamala. Čekala jsem od ní přesně to, co splňovala. I když se říká, že druhý díl bývá vždy nejhorší, u této trilogie musím nesouhlasit. 4*/5*

This book made me tear up several times

I love this series so much more than TSITP and it’s so cute !❤️❤️❤️

I don't think I like it better than the 1st book, but still enjoyable to read though

I am devouring this series! I loved this! There’s a lot going on in this book. It doesn’t really have a plot because it just keeps switching between different things. But I didn’t CARE. I know that the first half of the book isn’t that exciting but I still LOVED it. And the ending?! DEAD. I just love these characters and I loved the NEW characters and I can’t wait to see what happens in the conclusion. This story is cute and addicting and just what I needed.

3.5 not enough Kavinsky but still a great easy read

4 stars for guilty pleasure, 3 stars for the actual content = 3.5 stars definitely an improvement from the first book, although i have some issues with the books (mostly lara jean and peter, respectively) and i did watch the movie and i thought the movie would project the book better (since I enjoyed TATBILB as a movie more than as a book) but it's the other way around

★★★☆ // kavinsky fucked up big time. lara jean is insecure, still extremely naïve, and idealizes love and romance too much. mcclaren could’ve been an interesting character if only it wasn’t so obvious that he’s a necessary device to create conflict. maybe they all need to stumble once or twice to learn a thing or two about relationships. kavinsky earns a point though for putting himself out there, even when covey constantly chooses to retreat to her shell.

Review soon.

I really tried to like it but I couldn't.

the second book is also not bad at all! i liked the interactions with the characters too. it’s not the best book ever but it’s really good for when you just want a light read.

I can't help that I am still on John's side until the end, perhaps it's because I always have a soft spot for (cute) childhood friends to lovers compared to fake dating, but I am glad of how it turned out. It makes me linger for John, yes, but I'm happy Lara Jean and Peter were able to clear misunderstandings between them. This book brings me so much comfort and I'm liking it best compared to the first one. I'm just so in love, it feels like a warm hug in cold winter. Something I will always keep close to my heart.

I truly enjoyed this book. Loved everything about it especially Peter Kavinsky.

Jenny Han has crafted a dramatic, YA romance that will leave you breathless and potentially very frustrated. I haven't jumped into many YA series for a long time. I kept wanting to but it just didn't happen. Why? Because I get so frustrated with cliffhangers and I've found the YA genre LOVES them, and then I don't have the remainder of the series and I begin to slowly lose my mind. I found the first two books in this series and was like "YES! I CAN NOW WATCH THE NETFLIX MOVIES", like any normal adult during quarantine. So, we're back at it with Lara Jean and Peter. Lara Jean is a sweet girl just trying her best to be in a relationship with a popular guy who seems to be easily manipulated and controlled by his ex. His ex, Genevieve, seems to be quite the wicked girl with a bone to pick. Anywho, plot time: Someone has posted an explicit video of Lara Jean and Peter making out. Yeah, it's kind of child pornography but no one really seems to get in trouble? Don't worry about that part though, you'll find out who posted it and who knew about it by the end of the book. Onwards: Lara Jean and Peter face some difficulties in their relationship, as expected in a sequel of a romance book (and it's high school, and everyone knows there is typically trouble in paradise for high school romances). John Ambrose, a fella that Lara Jean wrote a letter to, finally gets his letter and responds to Lara Jean. He's quite the sweetheart and definitely a nice guy! This is gonna cause more trouble for the couple. Will they make it out of this relationship alive with John and Genevieve around? My comments and notes from when I was reading: 1. Genevieve is a mean girl with a kind of, maybe, potentially understandable back story? I understand we see the world through Lara Jean's eyes so we are going to see her as the big baddie... But she's just mean. And controlling. And manipulative. 2. Peter and Lara Jean's relationship is a wee bit toxic. Heck, I would argue Peter is toxic. I can understand being friends with your ex, but if your girlfriend is uncomfortable with you being all touchy feely with you ex, maybe don't do that? It seems reasonable. You can totally be friends and talk to them, but if you're actively going out of your way to lie to your girlfriend or leave out crucial information... Yeah, you're kind of a jerk. 3. Lara Jean needs to grow up a bit and learn to advocate for herself. Boys and relationships are hard, but man... Don't go for a guy who makes you feel like trash and runs to his ex. Go see a counsellor, get some therapy and learn that you are worth more than a dumb boy. 4. John Ambrose seems like a really nice guy. I'm kinda curious if he was meant to seem like the knight in shining armour with no flaws, or if there are flaws we just didn't learn about. 5. This book is a fantastic book! Do not take my comments on the goofiness of the drama too seriously. I honestly loved reading it but as an adult I'm going "nooooooo! Been there, done that! Noooo! Don't do that!" and enjoying every second of it. The book is fictional and is supposed to be dramatic. As long as you are looking for a soap opera like book, this is good! If you want a serious, relationship building book... Yeah, this isn't it. 6. I really like the cover! It's very cute and classic and looks like she's yearning and thinking. Overall, this book is a fantastic, dramatic, YA soap opera book. Lara Jean and Peter are one insanely toxic couple but man am I digging the drama. I miss YA books, I need to read more! Now, hopefully I can find the finale soon because OMG I need to know the ending... Four out of five stars.

originally posed on twirling pagesi enjoyed this book more than the first, but i was still hoping for more. (if you haven’t read [b: to all the boys i’ve loved before|15749186|To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)|Jenny Han|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1372086100s/15749186.jpg|21442106], please go check out that review first! this will have spoilers to the first novel!!) ugh, i wanted to love this book – i really did! but i felt it was missing that extra umph. i can’t exactly pinpoint what it was, but there were so many scenes that felt a little unfinished. in terms of writing, the pages and paragraphs usually didn’t go into detail about what was really going on. we’d follow lara jean’s trail of thoughts, but it also felt like she cut out some stuff. i’m fairly sure it was the same in the first novel, but i didn’t notice it. because everything wasn’t as descriptive, time moved very quickly. an entire day’s activities can be over within one or two pages. it bothered me a bit how the story didn’t feel very connected, and it was more like, “this happened, then that happened, then this happened, then the end.” a lot of people (including myself) were complaining about how lara jean acted immature for her age in the first novel, and i’m glad to say she got better. slightly better. she’s acted thirteen instead of seven, which is a huge improvement. actually, i grew to like and enjoy her childish personality. she becomes a bit more snarky and sarcastic, which adds some humor to the novel. (YAY!) although lara jean is naïve, she’s very much lara jean. i used to think she was easily influenced and changed by others, but no, she’s very much herself. in the first book, i feel like we only got a taste of how some characters were and now we truly know them. the first half of the novel was really slow. it felt more like an extended epilogue than the start of a whole new book. if we added the first ten chapters to the end of to all the boy i’ve loved before, we could’ve finished it. but, of course, we needed a new cover, more drama, and some other stuff to make things a little more interesting. what i really and truly love about this book was the amount of diversity shining through. we get to explore more into lara jean’s korean culture and family traditions, which is beautiful and rare to see in books. there’s also a minor gay character, as well as a feminist. thank you, jenny han, for adding in these tiny details that make the world of a difference! based on the summary, i knew there was going to be a love triangle. *sigh* i really don’t like love triangles. AT ALL. this wasn’t the worst i’ve seen (echm [b: the selection|10507293|The Selection (The Selection, #1)|Kiera Cass|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1322103400s/10507293.jpg|15413183]), but it wasn’t the best either. i think it’s mostly because the love triangle was almost non-existent. it was there, but it was subtle, and i didn’t think it was all THAT important. the summary made it seem like it was the sole purpose of the novel; it wasn’t. (YAY) overall, i enjoyed the novel but i wasn’t emotionally attached to anyone or anything. the romance wasn’t particularly cute, and i felt like there were some parts that were really exaggerated. i don’t see myself rereading the whole thing, but maybe some of my favorite parts. if you really enjoyed the previous novel, i think it’s worth picking this one up. however, if you thought it was “meh” then i wouldn’t highly recommend putting this at the top of your tbr. it was certainly better, but still didn’t live up to my expectations. FULL REVIEW + DISCUSSION ON THE BLOG :D– alexandra blog // instagram // twitter

ugh the drama is just so good. these books make me feel like a teenage girl.

I just love this series!

Yup, hi, hello, this was too boy crazy for my liking. There were a few things that I liked but overall, it was just too much boy drama and too meh at the same time.

Welp. Started and finished this today and I’m so afraid to start the next because I have heard such mixed reviews about the conclusion to this series because It feels so finished. The ending is so conclusive it that’s even the right word

** spoiler alert ** So much better then the first book. Being confused about love is such a big part of being a teenager and Jenny Han writes it so wonderfully.

I started this and then got distracted and never finished it. But once I picked it up again, I flew through it. This isn't as good as the first and is a lot of Lara Jean figuring this out in a lot of aspects. I like being able to see how she is growing but do feel this was a bit long for that. There were some things we didn't need the details for but at the same time, gave us more of a glimpse of Lara Jean. Onto the last book!

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han is one of the best books that I have read in 2015. I loved To All The Boys I've Loved Before and now I love this one. I loved how easy and fun it was. It wasn't too over the top. It had the perfect amount of drama and romance. The book kept me on my toes. I read in a day, that is saying something. I never read books in a day, maybe 2 days, but never 1 day. This book was just so good. I am totally fangirling right now. ;) I am giving this book a 5/5. It was fun and romantic and it was interesting. Loved it!!! You guys have got to read if you haven't. xoxo, Bebe

If there wasn't a second book id probably cry, Lara jean and peter never figured things out and things at school didnt blow over yet, I need to know what happens. I'm really looking forward for the second book.

(finally....) I'm so nervous for book 3??!!!

Even just this mundane thing feels like the best mundane thing that’s ever happened to me.

You can break my heart. Do whatever you want with it.”

And then John Ambrose McClaren says one last thing, a thing that makes my heart swell. “I don’t think it was our time then. I guess it isn’t now, either.” John looks over at me, his gaze steady. “But one day maybe it will be.”
God damn it Lara Jean

We zoom around for a bit, and at the next stoplight he slows and puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side. “Isn’t this how they did it in the fifties?” he asks, one hand on the steering wheel and the other around my shoulders.
My heart rate picks back up again. “Well, technically we’re dressed for the forties—” and then he kisses me. His lips are warm and firm against mine, and my eyes flutter shut.
When he pulls away just a fraction, he looks down at me and says, half serious, half not, “Better than the first time?”
I’m dazed. He’s got some of my lipstick on his face now. I reach up and wipe his mouth. The light turns green; we don’t move; he’s still looking at me. Someone honks a horn behind us. “The light’s green.”
He doesn’t make a move; he’s still looking at me. “Answer first.”
“Better.” John pushes his foot on the gas, and we’re moving again.
I hope i die

He nods. Then, quite suddenly, he bangs his glass down on the table, so hard the table shakes and I jump. “All right,” he says. “It’s do or die. D-day.”
“Let’s dance,” John says.
Shyly I say, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, John.”
“No, I want to. I didn’t take swing-dancing lessons from Stormy for nothing
I love you

I hurry over to John and Stormy. Stormy beams at me. “Doesn’t she look like an absolute doll?” She swans off.
With a straight face John says, “Lara Jean, you’re an absolute doll.”
I'd take him over Peter any time, and not just because he's blonde

Like, why do I speak? Why did God give me a mouth if I’m just going to say dumb stuff with it?

It might be my imagination, but I think I hear his heart beating. His is beating and mine feels like it’s breaking.
I hate this guy

Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish
I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I wish not to cry.
Will use this, thank you 🙏🏻

Peter bursts out, “I didn’t make you, you offered up that information yourself, and look, if it was a lie and you have me, please just freaking take me out already! I’m begging you. Come to my house right now, and I’ll let you sneak up to my room. I’ll be a sitting duck for you if it means I can see you again.”

“Fine, then I don’t know if I’m going to make it to your tree-house party on Saturday. I might be too tired from the game.”
I gasp. “You’d better be there!” This party is small as it is, and Chris isn’t the most reliable person. It can’t just be me and Trevor and John. Three people does not a party make.
Peter makes a harrumph sound. “Well, then I’d better see some lemon cookies in my locker come game day.”
Couple goals

“I had no idea you were such a feminist,” I say.
“Feminist?” Stormy makes a disgusted sound in her throat. “I’m no feminist. Really, Lara Jean!”
“Stormy, don’t get worked up about it. All it means is that you believe men and women are equal, and should have equal rights.”
“I don’t think any man is my equal. Women are far superior, and don’t you forget it.