High Performance Computing - HiPC 2008

High Performance Computing - HiPC 2008 15th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 17-20, 2008, Proceedings

at the distributed virtual Program Committee meeting. Each paper's review recomm- dationswere carefully checkedfor consistency; in many instances, the Vice Chairs read the papers themselves when the reviews did not seem suf?cient to make a decision. Throughout the reviewing process, I received a tremendous amount of help and advice from General Co-chair Manish Parashar, Steering Chair Viktor Prasanna, and last year's Program Chair Srinivas Aluru; I am very grateful to them. My thanks also go to the Publications Chair Sushil Prasad for his outstanding efforts in putting the proceedings together. Finally, I thank all the authors for their contributions to a hi- quality technical program. I wish all the attendees a very enjoyable and informative meeting. December 2008 P. Sadayappan Message from the General Co-chairs and the Vice General Co-chairs On behalf of the organizers of the 15th International Conference on High-Performance Computing(HiPC), it is our pleasureto present these proceedingsand we hopeyou will ?nd them exciting and rewarding. TheHiPCcallforpapers,onceagain,receivedanoverwhelmingresponse,attracting 317submissionsfrom27countries.P.Sadayappan,theProgramChair,andthe Program Committee worked with remarkablededication to put together an outstandingtechnical program consisting of the 46 papers that appear in these proceedings.
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