
I love the style of the graphic novel. Very relevant to the current situation in the Middle East.

Loud, grotesque, ironical, masterfully masking its own didactic aim behind shrugs, horniness, and universal caricature. Not as simple as I expected, also simpler. I’d figured the Palestinians ought to have a state for themselves, you know, to fuck up for themselves just like everybody else.

Honestly, I don't even know what to say, there is a joke about International Relations students adopting a country and it seems that Palestine has always been mine, my interest in their stories has always been there so I think it's a good initiative the author writing about the Palestinian people. I also need to point out that I have a strong opinion on the subject so this probably affects my opinion of the book. Going straight to the point, although it's not a perfect book, it's not bad either, it doesn't use boring language and it's in the form of a comic so it's more accessible for everyone who is interested (not only academics like most of the books). The stories are humane and touching, more than once I found myself crying and feeling an enormous amount of empathy for the people in the stories and this was a great thing because that's how you make the cause gain more visibility. By the way, I saw a review saying that the author tells only one side but I disagree since he spent the last 10% just telling about the conversation with the Israeli women and showing their point of view. Everyone already tells Israeli opnions, now it's time for palestinians to talk. Now, about the negative topics: I don't agree with the author's humor, trying to bring comic relief at certain times seems disrespectful to the victims and if the book is called Palestine I want to know about the Palestinians and not whether such an Israeli was into him or not, by the way, this talk of trying to criticize the oppressed side in order to want peace is of no use, the UN has already tried to "spread peace" and didn't worked out so shut up and let them show frustation, it's the only thing they have. It'a almost an absurd the author wanting to compare resistance groups throwing stones with the Israeli army massacre. Anyway, I think it's an important issue and I hope that someday Palestinians will have their rights and land again, these people deserve peace and what is rightfully theirs. Free Palestine 🇵🇸