Dark Notes

Dark Notes

Pam Godwin2016
They call me a slut. Maybe I am. Sometimes I do things I despise. Sometimes men take without asking. But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan. With one obstacle. Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take. He seizes my will power and bangs it like a dark note. When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything. I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments. He’s my obsession, my master, my music. And my teacher.
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Photo of Lulu Evensen
Lulu Evensen@lulu444moonfairy
2 stars
May 28, 2024

I thought I was gonna like it, and I did in the start

I found the fmc relatable, but her relationship with Emeric felt strange

The way he thought about her and sometimes referred to her as younger in a creepy way, in the start it felt like he was objectifying her like the men who had already hurt Ivory in the past, maybe not as much but still to some degree

The amount of sex was also pretty boring since it happened in basically 80% of the book and was always the same, the writing was cliche at times and sometimes cringe

At the end I skimmed through the last 25% of what was left of the book because I wanted to finish it

It's not often I write negative book reviews but this is sadly one of them

Photo of Gabriella Lanouette
Gabriella Lanouette@developergab
4 stars
Oct 14, 2023

I devoured this book. A bit taboo, dark, spicy, filled with music and riveting characters. Thoroughly enjoyed. Check trigger warnings.

Photo of ariah
ariah @ariahaiello
5 stars
Sep 26, 2023

One of the best books I have read this year! I had such high expectations for this book and it absolutely delivered. Dark Notes deserves so much more hype than it gets. I am a huge huge fan of the trope and it was done to perfection. Praise for Pam Godwin. Emeric Marceaux is not officially my second favourite book boyfriend and the fact that he is her teacher is perfection. The only thing I could suggest to this book is more sneaking around, and trying to steal little moments at school but we definitely weren't left without that's for sure.

Photo of Sara Uribe
Sara Uribe@sarareadsromance
4 stars
Aug 28, 2023

This book has been on my TBR for a long enough time, that I decided I really needed to read it. I will start off by saying that when I started reading this book back in January, I wasn’t in the best headspace. I tried to read a few dark romances at that time, but because of my mental health, I just couldn’t get into this book. So after a few months, I finally picked it back up again. I absolutely love Pam Godwin‘s ability to write. She's a fantastic storyteller, and she easily paints a picture of what’s happening in my brain. But as far as the story goes, I did enjoy it, but it didn’t pull me in like I thought it would. It has all of my favorite things, it’s forbidden, taboo, there’s an age gap, and a student-teacher romance! I feel like I should’ve absolutely fallen in love with this book. But I didn’t. Maybe if I ever do a re-read of this book in the future, my rating will change. Overall it’s a good book. I just didn’t connect with it as much as I wanted to. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5) Before reading this book make sure you read the trigger warning!!

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS, SO FAIR WARNING, UPON READING THE REVIEW. Dark Notes is the standalone novel by Pam Godwin and this is also the very FIRST book that I have had the pleasure of reading from this author and I was beyond impressed with this one here. I couldn’t get enough of this book. I will be honest I wasn’t sure if I was going to pick this author up or not, but when I started reading a sample of this one, I couldn’t put it down and eagerly purchased this one and this story definitely swept me away in the best of ways. If you are looking for a heart-stopping romance that will keep you on edge and flipping those pages as fast as you can turn them, then this book is definitely one that you will get a kick out of. I will say that if you don’t like dark romance or taboo elements…do NOT read this one, because you probably won’t enjoy it if those aspects aren’t your cup of tea. DARK NOTES IS A HEARTBREAKINGLY FORBIDDEN LOVE THAT TAKES THE READER ON A RIDE THAT FEATURES: Emeric Marceaux-alpha male, dominant, heir to an empire, musician and teacher in musical theory Ivory Westbrook-destitute, a talented pianist, abused by her family, but resilient, and strong and determined to make her dreams come true. Sometimes you love people you shouldn’t, and in the endless space of that love, nothing else matters. Dark Notes is a tale that begins with our heroine, Ivory, who dreams of becoming more than what she is. She has had to make painful decisions as a matter of survival and to carry her family through despite in how they treat her. Ivory lost her father when she was just a teenager, but his loss only fortified her dreams, her strength and courage. She has had to suffer painful sexual situations just to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads and everyone despises her except for her only girlfriend. But she is determined to not let them destroy her, she is so close to achieving her dreams. She is in her final year and this will be the year that she hopes will be the final year in which she will have to suffer. Then she meets her new teacher Mr. Emeric Marceaux who has a animal magnetism, that makes her feel more alive than she has ever experienced. She knows that he is dangerous but she can’t help but be drawn to him, and as they explore the deep desire they have for each other….they will discover a fierce love worthy of sacrifice….. The power is mine. I bask in it. His hands tremble, and I grab them, hold them, our fingers intertwined. I have him. Dark Notes is a story that pierced my heart with such longing in the deepest of ways. I didn’t know what to expect only that everyone seems to just love Pam Godwin and I know everyone has just gravitated towards “Sea of Ruin” but I will be honest, I am not sure when I will pick that one up. But i just felt in a certain mood and wanted something angsty and compelling and Dark Notes definitely fit that bill for what I was looking for. I am telling you I breezed through this almost 500 page novel in just a couple of hours…that is how compelled I found myself in with this story here. It definitely had a feeling of being such a dark romance at times, and it could be in this category due to the aspects of taboo that is in this story. It is a teacher/student trope but also the heroine is seventeen when they meet, so definitely take that aspect in account when considering this one. I will point out that I desperately loved this one here though. I couldn’t get enough of this romance and what this pair gives to each other. It can be highly erotic at times, but I truly felt for our pair here and the situation they find themselves in. I found that Pam Godwin really wrote such a compelling book here and I just wanted more of it. I didn’t want to let go of Emeric or Ivory, they had such a riveting romance that just spoke to me in all the ways that satisfied by romantic heart in every way that is possible. We need each other, not because our bodies fit so well together, but because our hearts beat the same tune, for the same reason. Overall I found Dark Notes to be an incredible story that captivates the heart and mind, its a tale of forbidden love but a story that pushes the boundaries and the beauty of finding love and learning to defend it when it matters the most.

Photo of Krista
Krista @kkrista
4.5 stars
Oct 22, 2022

Oh, I really liked this one. ❤️ When I started reading it I didn't see any TW, but i think they should be there, because this book is kind of dark. So when you plan to read it, be aware of this fact. But the thing that I liked the most was the musical stuff that was in here - it made my inner musician happy, ha. The little things as adjectives with music related names, etc.

Photo of Sven Test
Sven Test@sven-sg-test-1
4 stars
Aug 31, 2022

This book was way hotter than I expected! The main male character reminded me so much of Twitch (Raw by Belle Aurora), so of course I loved him!

Photo of Turtle lover
Turtle lover@turtle05
4 stars
Aug 25, 2022

This is the hottest smut I have read between a student and a teacher. BUT IT IS DEFINITELY NOT ALL THAT. That is not all the reason why I fell in love with this book. I loved how they described love and how they realize that they love each other. I loved how it all developed and how the little things they do summed up to this big and great love they have for each other. I love how they used music and how they described music like that made my heart so full 😭 To have all their interpretation in music and all their emotions and dreams and ambitions in it 😭 I love dhow they developed as a person and how they eventually grew as a couple 😭 I rated it 4 stars but I will take that back i will rate this 5 stars 😭

Photo of shar
3.5 stars
Aug 21, 2022

spoiler alert el libro no es para todos hay que mirar las advertencias antes de leerlo tiene -age gap
-professor x student
- abusos en casi todas sus formas entre otras cosas !!!

⟩ lo único que me molestó es que la chica estuviera en el secundario!
me molesta y me cuesta entender que les cueste tanto crear un libro así pero con la chica quizás en la UNIVERSIDAD siendo YA MAYOR DE EDAD en vez de en la SECUNDARIA con 17 años !!! o que no esperen a los 18 de ella en este caso para que tengan intimidad con el mc < Emeric > de 27 ¿!?
en fin- fuera de eso... las cuatro estrellas son merecidas porque la historia es fuerte pero te sabe llevar, tiene dark romance, no es para todas, repito, me costó mucho la primer mitad, es más estuve al borde de dejarlo por las escenas y los momentos que la mc tuvo que pasar y vivir- pero la segunda mitad me pareció !!!! (mucho mucho mejor) y no pude dejar de leer, me gustó mucho como escribe/escribió la autora (!!!!!) aaaa por fin.
⟩ me encuentro profundamente agradecida de que la mc < IVORY > no se haya quedado embarazada, es decir, NO ME HUBIERA MOLESTADO EN EL EPÍLOGO - porque ahí ya cuenta que han pasado tres / cuatro años y ella por lo tanto ya es mayor, tiene 22 y puede decidir sobre su cuerpo etc
pero bueno se agradece de igual forma que hayan hecho un libro sin bebés y en cambio la protagonista tenga un mishi!

*el hecho de que la canción all I want haya estado en el libro me tuvo cuasi llorando y ni hablar de cuando Emeric estaba en modo fan de guns and roses y todas las bandas de esa época, como hablaban de grandes autores barrocos, como el libro es sobre el talento inmenso de una chica de clase baja pobre, sin recursos, que gana una beca porque se rompió el alma y por su talento y entra a un secundario conservatorio, el mejor, en cuanto a la música y es increíble tocando el piano, los autores, los nombre hiper conocidos el talento del mismísimo Emeric y como le enseña a ivory y conectan a través de la música, como el la ayuda a sanar sus heridas, como se conocen y completan, el apoyo constante de parte de el hacis ella, algo aue ella no conocía pues fue abusada toda su vida y también dejada de lado a la deriva....
cómo ella se encuentran como mujer, como persona, como sana y ama, la música, en piano, en el centro de todo.

→no tengo quotes que me hayan fascinado pero puede que vuelva en algún momento a agregar alguna que me haya parecido «linda»

Photo of serena maeve.
serena maeve.@ayato
4 stars
Apr 18, 2022

Rarely read something like this; mostly skipped some parts, but the immersion of music got me; not to mention interesting hero and heroine.

Photo of Gabriella Lanouette
Gabriella Lanouette@developergab
4 stars
Apr 5, 2022

I devoured this book. A bit taboo, dark, spicy, filled with music and riveting characters. Thoroughly enjoyed.

Photo of Mariam Mohsen
Mariam Mohsen@mariammohsen
5 stars
Mar 18, 2022

"“This brutal man is my home. His hell is my heaven. I'm his Ivory, and he's my darkest note.”". 5 stars. This book had been on my tbr for a while, and I finally gave it a chance, and oh my god it was so worth it. The hero is one of my favourite heros ive ever read. I loved how he helped his girl and had her back. These characters were really unique and beautiful. This amazing story taught me that we always have to confront our problems and learn how to solve them, because escaping would never be an everlasting solution. And as a pianist, I could say that this book was tirrific and breathtaking and I definitely enjoyed all the piano elements in the whole book. I really can't wait to read more from this author. Really loved this one. Highly recommend it.

Photo of Maya Federman
Maya Federman@maya_reads_spice
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022

This was my first Pam Godwin experience, thanks in large part to my friend Milina’s tenacity. The lesson here is never give up on your dreams—one day, your friends WILL read the books you recommend. Anyway. Dark Notes follows Ivory, a senior at a performing arts high school in New Orleans, who is living in poverty and is subjected to abuse of the physical, sexual, and emotional nature. Ivory sells her body to her fellow students to pay her family’s bills. Emeric enters the scene as the new Piano instructor, and takes Ivory on as his protege. You can probably guess where it goes from there. This is the first time that I’ve read a romance with a BDSM-as-healing trope, and I’ve got to say it was pretty powerful stuff. Having undergone so much sexual trauma, Ivory needs control and clear boundaries in order to sexually heal. Emeric gives her the control and power to reclaim her sexuality and overcome large parts of her trauma. They had amazing chemistry of course, but they also communicated really well and the foundation of trust they were able to build was incredibly strong. I’ll definitely give more of Pam Godwin’s books a try—I really enjoyed her writing style and the spice was excellent.

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters
4 stars
Nov 20, 2021

This book was way hotter than I expected! The main male character reminded me so much of Twitch (Raw by Belle Aurora), so of course I loved him!

Photo of Danya <3
Danya <3@youfloweryoufeast
4.5 stars
Oct 1, 2021

4.75 dark ⭐️ Genre: Adult romance Age group : 18+ POV : Dual Characters: 5/5 ⭐️ Plot: 4.5/5 ⭐️ Setting/Themes: 5/5 ⭐️ Writing: 5/5 ⭐️ • please check trigger warnings • mature language, rape, sexual assault, domestic abuses, substance abuse, graphic sexual scenes, BDSM • age gap romance • teacher/student ”It’s a respectful fear, because our love is almighty and powerful.” I don’t even know where to begin. I loved this. A lot. It was dark, raw and gritty. Before I delve into the specifics, I absolutely loved the setting of the story. Music has always a great theme, personally I loved the musical aspect of the story. I loved the inclusivity of diverse characters (Stogie has my heart, we all need someone to be in our corner). I loved the writing style, too. Ivory. The girl is an embodiment of strength. The way she pull through the terrible horrors of life, genuinely has me so in awe. It hurt, in so many ways than one to read the things she endured, the life she lived, the discrimination and abuse. She’s also just as much a kind soul, she loved, for what it was worth. Did I also mention her immaculate sense of humour and sass? Love her. Emeric. Emeric is honestly someone that would make the world a better place, if the 97% of us women had a partner like Emeric (not necessarily a man, not the point either) the world would be a much better place. He did some really questionable things, (the feminist in me raged) but he did it all to protect Ivory. I also liked how he took things slow with her, spoiled her, loved her and nurtured her. I loved how BDSM and trauma were discussed. Contrary to popular belief, consensual and safely practiced BDSM goes a long way in one’s process of emotional and mental healing. Now on to the trauma part. It was raw, realistic. My heart goes out to those who suffered through torture how Ivory did. Pam emphasised on rape awareness and consent. And these are important things, extremely important. The romance part of the story wasn’t dark, it was wholesome and sexy, really. This book is dark, so please check the trigger and content warnings. Overall, I loved this book. It had me crying, laughing and smiling from ear to ear.

Photo of Michelle Vasquez
Michelle Vasquez@yourfavoritebookbag
5 stars
Sep 27, 2021

“I fall helplessly into her gaze, lost in the shadows of tragedy and fear and neglect. But there’s a glint of light in the dark depths. As she sways closer, seeking, my heart kicks with realization. That tiny glimmer in her eyes is trust. That’s when I hear it. The tempo of our breaths. The drum of our heartbeats. The crackle in the air. The exquisite cadence pulses through me, awakening sensations I’ve never felt, composing a melody I’ve never heard. Our hypnotic, dark notes.” Fifty-two. That is how many ivory keys are on a traditional piano. They make up the natural notes. The other thirty-six keys are black as night; they make up the sharps and flats, or the twists and turns that hypnotize us as we get sucked into the music it creates. This is Ivory and Emeric. They are night and day. Two souls that come from completely different worlds, brought together by one common thing. Music. “Dark Notes”, by Pam Godwin is a forbidden age-gap romance. It takes precedence over Ivory and Emeric. She is a poverty stricken, but brilliant student, doing whatever it takes to make ends meet. He is the new teacher, caught running away from who he is and his past indiscretions. Enthralled is what I was with this story. Two perfectly imperfect people brought together by a soul deep connection; it was white hot and full of magic. I was blown away by this story and wanted more. If you’re looking for the forbidden, with that touch of darkness, this is a must read. Well played, Pam. Well played. Literally.

Photo of Cat Imb
Cat Imb@thereadingcat
5 stars
Sep 13, 2021

I received an ebook of this novel and I voluntarily reviewed it. Thank you Pam Godwin! Okay wow. Pam Godwin definitely is a Goddess. How could she make me love a teacher/student romance? The only other author who has made me love it was Colleen Hoover in Slammed. Pam Godwin is in the big leagues. I loved the darkness and maturity of this book. It was about someone who had to grow up to fast. About someone who was way beyond her years. This is not JUST a forbidden teacher/student romance. This book breaches difficult subjects of rape, and child abuse, both physical and emotional. Godwin does all of this in a beautiful melody of words. What I love most about this book, is the hope and determination of the main character. Despite everything that happened to her and that is happening to her, Ivory still holds on to her dreams and is determined to achieve them. She doesn't allow people to tarnish that dream. The only tiny hiccup is the resolution of the conflict. For me, it was maybe too "perfect" in the sense that everything we secretly hope for happens. That makes me sound like a cold-hearted person, haha, but other than that, it was ACTUAL perfection. A definite must-read.

Photo of Gabriela Roxana
Gabriela Roxana @shiftyreads
4 stars
Sep 1, 2021

Review to come

Photo of Lacey
4 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Originally posted at Booklovers For Life Dark Notes is hot, hot, HOT!!!! I haven’t read a GOOD erotic romance in ages, but Dark Notes totally satisfied the craving for me. Pam Godwin knows how to write steam, and she does it SO well in this book. Plus, it’s a forbidden romance, which only makes everything hotter. I was absolutely taken away with Ivory and Emeric’s forbidden love – I couldn’t put this book down! It’s an addicting, dark, captivating read that I highly recommend. If you love teacher/student romances, Dark Notes is a must read. It’s universally known that the more forbidden something is, the more desirable it becomes. I feel this truth like a fist around my balls as I enter my classroom after lunch and find the forbidden object of my desire waiting for me. Ivory Westbrook is a highly gifted pianist and prodigy, and though she lives in poverty, she attends one of the most elite performing arts schools in order to hone her skill and one day escape from the cruelty and abuse she experiences at home. My heart felt for Ivory and the things she’s had to do to survive not just at home, but also at such a cutthroat school. But I also admired her strength, the way she fights for what she wants, and her tenacity. She’s almost on her way out and up to the top when the music teacher who would’ve recommended her to her dream university gets replaced… by a dark, dominating, compelling man she can’t stop thinking about. Emeric Marceaux is an intimidating character. He’s an intense alpha used to getting what he wants – but what if what he wants is forbidden to him? Ivory fascinates him, and her heart-wrenching life only brings out the protective, possessive instincts in him. He wants her, but he also wants to give her the care and affection she’s never had in her life. Emeric is dark and dangerous, and as Ivory’s teacher and ten years her senior, I worried that he would have all the power. But it’s clear that he’s just as captivated and enthralled by her as she is by him. She’s exactly the kind of woman I’m drawn to. A woman who flees when hunted and comes alive when she’s caught. A woman who bends beneath the punishments and seeks acceptance in her humiliation. A woman who bites at the heavy hand, only to melt around the unforgiving grip when it cuts her air. Told in dual POV, Dark Notes weaves a fascinating, erotic tale of forbidden love between two characters who are utterly meant for each other but aren’t supposed to be together. Outside forces threaten to tear them apart, but Ivory and Emeric won’t let anything get in the way of a love that’s meant to be. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time reading, biting my nails while waiting to see how their relationship would work out. The flawless writing only made the entire reading experience better. If you love deliciously hot forbidden romances, I can’t recommend Dark Notes enough. The tempo of our breaths. The drum of our heartbeats. The crackle in the air. The exquisite cadence pulses through me, awakening sensations I’ve never felt, composing a melody I’ve never heard of. Our hypnotic, dark notes. This is so much more than punishment or forbidden pleasure. She could never be a mistake. Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Amazon Ebook: http://amzn.to/1UEoYmJ Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/1UXck2B Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!

Photo of Genesis (@whisperingchapters)
Genesis (@whisperingchapters)@whisperingchapters
4 stars
Aug 3, 2021

This book was way hotter than I expected! The main male character reminded me so much of Twitch (Raw by Belle Aurora), so of course I loved him!

Photo of Zoe Wilson
Zoe Wilson@zoespages
3.5 stars
Oct 9, 2024
Photo of Kellie Rittershausen
Kellie Rittershausen@kritter63
4 stars
Aug 4, 2023
Photo of Emilia Holmberg
Emilia Holmberg@emiliabeatrice
4 stars
May 23, 2023
Photo of Irene Ruano
Irene Ruano @i-rew
5 stars
May 9, 2023


Photo of ariah
ariah @ariahaiello

I want you. I wait for you. You have me.

Page 298


Photo of Hailey

Too perfect. Like life has handed me a song filled with soul-deep joy and told me to savor every note. Because eventually, the song will end.

Photo of Hailey

He fills so many voids in my life, and my desire for him only knits me closer, tighter to a world I’ve only dreamed about. A world where I interact with a man because I want to, because he cares about me as much as I care about him.

Photo of Hailey

He holds my gaze, his eyes wide and mesmerizing as he chokes a jagged sound against my lips. “Now I know why you’re illegal.

Photo of Hailey

It’s universally known that the more forbidden something is, the more desirable it becomes.