Parents Who Lead The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose, Fuel Your Career, and Create a Richer Life
Drawing on the principles of his book Total Leadership--a national bestseller and popular program taught in organizations worldwide--Stewart Friedman and coauthor Alyssa Westring show working parents how to lead more purposeful lives, characterized by harmony, connection, and impact. Being a parent can be a disorienting experience filled with disruptive transitions, constant pushes and pulls at work, at home, and in the community, endless to-do lists, and identity crises. It's easy to lose track of who you are and what really matters most when you're balancing so much at once. It doesn't have to be this way. As a parent, you can harness the power of leadership principles and discover how to thrive in all aspects of your life. Drawing on their experience as researchers, educators, consultants, coaches, and parents, Friedman and Westring offer a robust and proven method--designed specifically for parents--that will help you gain a greater sense of purpose and control. This method includes: Designing a future based on your core values Engaging with your children in meaningful ways Cultivating a community of caregiving and support, in all parts of your life Experimenting to discover better ways to live and work Powerful, practical, and indispensable, Parents Who Lead is the guide you need to forge a better future, foster meaningful and mutually rewarding relationships, and design sustainable solutions for creating a richer life for yourself, your children, and your world.