Paris for One

This is the shortest *short story I have ever read and in my surprise, it is all packed up with good character, setting and story… I was quite afraid to read this at first because the book is really thin, I might left devastated for a short book I told myself. I just love coming back in France for new adventure, more to experience and more people to meet. It is really impressive how the author made this story so short but really satisfying. For me it is so unique and fun to read and quite funny too. Nell’s character is adorable, she’s sweet and I could relate in to her shoes being afraid to go out alone in a strange place. I feel sorry for the misfortunes she had encountered in the story but felt joy when she decided to be happy for herself. I 100% hate her boyfriend for being such a rubbish towards her but made me laugh out load for his sort of punishment in this book. All in all I love the book, It gave me the right amount of satisfaction for a short story that which usually keep you unsatisfied due to it’s size. Though it’s a bit cliff-hanger, it did ended beautiful.

Such a cute, speedy read. For such a short story it's really well developed. Sometimes the whole being in "the right place at the right time" thing can be very cliche but because this was a short story it worked really well. I feel like this would make such a perfect movie! This was every romantic movie I've ever watched but I loved it!!