The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali A Newly Edited and Updated Version of the Original Translation

Considered the oldest extant text about Indian yoga, the Sutras of Patanjali are thought to have been compiled c. 400 C.E., although recently some scholars have begun to question this history. In the Yogic tradition based upon the polytheistic Hindu faith, the Sutras are unique in that they refer to a singular God. Loved by adherents of all faiths, those seeking the spiritual life, and yoga practitioners, this is one of the earliest translations and commentaries ever completed. Newly edited and updated, this practical version will lead all readers through the four stages of meditation outlined within, and it will help all practitioners to unlock their own innate spirituality. To use terms from other traditions, it will help them to find their own "innate Buddhahood," or the "Kingdom of God within."
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