The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Book Excerpt: rances, bondage to works, and the fruition and seed of works. The Soul of the Master, the Lord, is of the same nature as the soul in us; but we still bear the burden of many evils, we are in bondage through our former works, we are under the dominance of sorrow. The Soul of the Master is free from sin and servitude and sorrow. 25. In the Master is the perfect seed of Omniscience. The Soul of the Master is in essence one with the Oversoul, and therefore partaker of the Oversoul's all-wisdom and all-power. All spiritual attainment rests on this, and is possible because the soul and the Oversoul are One. 26. He is the Teacher of all who have gone before, since he is not limited by Time. From the beginning, the Oversoul has been the Teacher of all souls, which, by their entrance into the Oversoul, by realizing their oneness with the Oversoul, have inherited the kingdom of the Light. For the Oversoul is before Time, and Time, father of all else, is one of His children. 27. Read More
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