Uncanny Histories in Film and Media
Introduction: Uncanny histories / Patrice Petro -- Pt. 1. The disciplinary uncanny -- Film and media in the double take of history / Priya Jaikumar -- Haunted by the body: cleanliness in colonial Manila's film culture / Jasmine Trice -- Reimagining the history of media studies through games, play and the uncanny valley / Alenda Chang -- Pt. 2. Uncanny films -- Flickering lights and mischievous stars: the uncanny feminism of my twentieth century / Hanna Goodwin -- The sublime body under the sign of developmentalism: the Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Malaysian politics and global markets / Peter J. Bloom -- Uncanny histories of transnational cinematic receptions: Eisenstein in Cuba / Masha Salazkina -- Pt. 3. Uncanny figures -- Julia García Espinosa and the fight for a critical culture in Cuba / Cristina Venegas -- The case for (re)collecting Lotte Eisner's work / Naomi DeCelles -- A widow's work: archives and the construction of Russian film history / Maria N. Corrigan -- Fiendish devices: the uncanny history of Almena Davis / Ellen C. Scott.