No Ceiling to Hope

No Ceiling to Hope Stories of grace from the world's most dangerous places

Servants of Christ are in the transformation business. This kind of transformation will only happen if we refuse to be seduced by false idols like success, money, fame and security ' to be the church we were called to be. We need to take ownership of the problems around us and work with people who are suffering in order to find solutions and offer lasting change. Patrick travels the globe to find examples. In Bolivia he reports how Christian backing for education projects is allowing families to find a way out of poverty. In London XLP is mentoring young people to turn aside from violence. In Los Angeles a new future is being offered to gang girls. In high security prisons in the UK and US the Spirit is turning lives around. In Belfast's Shankill Road area a group of elderly ladies is cooking meals for men who sit all day in local pubs ... the list is extensive, and inspiring. The common element is that in all circumstances Christ is offering hope.
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