Business Innovation and Disruption in the Music Industry
Patrik Wikström and Robert DeFillippi bring together innovative, multidisclipinary perspectives on business innovation and disruption in the music industry. Authors from fields such as cultural studies, economics, management, media studies, musicology and human geography in North America, Europe and Asia focus on the “second wave” of digital disruption and the transformation of the music industry. The chapters are structured into three parts: the first part contextualizes changes in the music industry that have been driven by digital technologies since the end of the 1990s. The second part unpacks the impact of these disruptive technologies on business models in specific industry sectors and geographies, and the third and final part examines questions related to the emergence of subscription music services. Concluding chapters link back to the role of hackers as a subversive and innovative force in the music economy and examine how hacker creativity can be facilitated and encouraged to generate the next big music industry innovation. This multifaceted look at the music business will serve as a resource for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as established scholars and industry professionals.