The Dentist and a Boy

The Dentist and a Boy

Paul Kelly2012
WILLIAM BRIGHT was bright by name, but many thought he wasn’t too bright by nature until William proved them all to be wrong. He was a little slower than most of the other pupils at his school because it was later learned that he was dyslexic and he had a bad stutter. He wasn’t very popular with the girls either, although he was considered to be rather handsome …He was also tall and he was dark, so what was missing you might ask. . . and probably the answer was that William was very shy and found it very difficult to converse and mix with young people of his own age. William adored his father, but the father died at an early age when William was only six and he wore his father’s wedding ring around his neck until he was old enough to wear it on the fourth finger of the left hand, swearing he would never remove the ring until he found someone that he could love as he had loved his dad. William’s mother wasn’t interested in the boy and considered him to be too stupid to do anything more than the job he got when he left school at the age of fifteen. She had interests of her own which would not be normally classed as motherly and she states that William started to stutter when his father died and believes it was a great shock to him which brought this about.
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